1、剔除距离体积(Cull Distance Volume) 剔除距离体积(Cull Distance Volume)是非常有用的优化工具,它定义绘制(显现)该体积中的Actor的距离。这些体积可存储任意数量的"大小"和"距离"组合(称为剔除距离对)。剔除距离体积(Cull Distance Volume)对于优化包含精细内部空间的大型室外关卡非常有用。当室内空间小到可被视...
使用CullDistanceVolume的时候可针对一个区域内所有物件使用裁剪;CullDistance的裁剪每组参数有两个属性,Size:表示物体FBoxSphereBounds的直径,CullDistance:表示裁剪距离;参数组表示含义为物体尺寸在size附近的物件在与摄像机的距离大于CullDistance的时候会被裁剪;如果有好几组CullDistance数据会选Size最相近的Distance。 举...
可通过编辑器中的放置Actor(Place Actors)面板向关卡中添加剔除距离体积(Cull Distance Volume),并且你可以缩放它,以适应关卡需求。 选中体积之后,使用细节(Details)面板访问剔除距离(Cull Distance)对数组。每个"剔除距离(Cull Distance)"对都包含大小(Size)和剔除距离(Cull Distance)数值。单击加号(+号)可向...
剔除距离体积(Cull Distance Volume):定义了在特定距离内绘制Actor的区域,尤其适合大型室外场景,能有效优化精细室内空间的处理。 硬件遮挡查询(Occlusion Query):默认启用,适用于支持ES 3.1及以上或Vulkan的高端移动设备,能显著减少渲染三角形数量。 层级Z缓冲(HZB)遮挡:较为保守的剔除方法,...
剔除距离体积(Cull Distance Volume) 是优化工具,借助它们,你可以基于对象距摄像机的距离和其大小对对象进行剔除(不绘制到屏幕)。它可以在对象尺寸小到可被视为不重要时不绘制对象,从而帮助你优化场景。按照沿其最长有效维度的边界框计算大小,选择的剔除距离是与该大小最接近的剔除距离。
unreal.CullDistanceVolume unreal.CullingField unreal.CurveBase unreal.CurveEditorBakeFilter unreal.CurveEditorFFTFilter unreal.CurveEditorFilterBase unreal.CurveEditorReduceFilter unreal.CurveFactory unreal.CurveFloat unreal.CurveFloatFactory unreal.CurveImportFactory unreal.CurveLinearColor unreal.CurveLinearColorAt...
1.2 Blocking Volume Demonstrates a how invisible collision can be created by placing a Blocking Volume in your level. 1.3 Cull Distance Volume How to make a rule set for Cull Distances depending on the size of the objects (e.g. have objects hidden based on distance to the player). ...
Bugfix: Fixed a crash under the validation layer and Nvidia’s El Capitan (10.11) drivers when Distance Field Particle Collisions are used without any scene Distance Fields available. We now bind the black volume texture when that is the case to avoid bad access on the GPU. Bugfix: Fixed...
Distance Culling is not supported for Nanite. Non-nanite geometry such as translucent meshes still do. PrimitiveComponent: Max/Min Draw Distance Light Cones, Fog Volumes, Blueprint Components Distance Cull Volume Maps object “Size” with “CullDistance” ...
so that you are performing fewer drawcalls at long range. One of the best things you can do is simply make use of culldistance volumes and keep the number of drawn meshes as low as you can. Another is to make use of the HISM-instanced mesh system. It’s built into UE4 and gives...