* Enum for the extensions that a package payload can be stored under. * Each extension can be used by only one EPackageSegment * EPackageSegment::Header segment has multiple possible extensions * Use LexToString to convert an EPackageExtension to the extension string to append to a file's ...
FStrProperty* StringProperty = CastField<FStrProperty>(Property); // 获取提供的“容器”中属性值的指针。 void* Addr = StringProperty->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Student); FString PropertyValue = StringProperty->GetPropertyValue(Addr);// 获取属性值 StringProperty->SetPropertyValue(Addr, "LiSi"...
namespace EBattleState { enum Type { CameraWander = 0 , // The camera is wandering around. ChooseCharacter , // Choose one character, and is going to choose location. CharacterMoving , // The character is moving, player input is not allowed. Count , }; } TEnumAsByte BattleStateEnum; ...
ACameraActor* camera = Cast(vt);if(camera) {//do stuff} 使用GetPlayerCameraManager函数 autocamera = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCameraManager(WorldContext,0); 其中的WorldContext是世界上下文参数。 Enumeration in C++ UENUM ()namespaceEBattleState {enumType { CameraWander =0,// The camera is wan...
python 中获取 enum 的 str 形式 通过EYouEnum.enum_names() 获取到所有字符串的列表,再通过 int index 获取到具体index对应的字符串值。 继承自 ActorBase 的 Python 类的ReceiveBeginPlay不执行了 蓝图子类重写了相关方法,没有调用父方法,则可能出现类似情况, ...
ACameraActor* camera =Cast(vt);if(camera) {//do stuff} 使用GetPlayerCameraManager函数 autocamera = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCameraManager(WorldContext,0); 其中的WorldContext是世界上下文参数。 Enumeration in C++ UENUM()namespaceEBattleState ...
FGameplayTagContainer* MutableTags = const_cast<FGameplayTagContainer*>(&TempCooldownTags); MutableTags->Reset(); // MutableTags writes to the TempCooldownTags on the CDO so clear it in case the ability cooldown tags change (moved to a different slot) ...
in the Enum Class in C++ or Blueprint Enums can be sparse, which means that not every valid Index is a proper Value, and they are not necessarily equal It is not safe to cast an Index to a Enum Class, always do that with a Value instead Gets the internal index for an enum value...
通过GameplayTagManager进行注册。替代了原来的Bool,或Enum的结构,可以在玩法设计中更高效地标记对象的行为或状态。 GameplayTags是一个内置的插件,不属于GAS。 但是GAS会大量使用Tag,在编辑-项目设置里可以找到。 GA、GE、GameplayEvent、GameplayCue都会大量使用Tag。如果你还不懂这些名词的含义,可以先往后看。
In the above example, we have an int property that defaults to 42, and a SphereCollider component that defaults to a radius of 20. We can achieve the same thing in Unreal using the object's constructor. UCLASS() class AMyActor : public AActor ...