获取返回值 int* ResValue = (int*)(&AllFuncParam + GoHomeFunc->ReturnValueOffset); } } 参考 ^大象无形虚幻引擎程序设计浅析 ^https://blog.csdn.net/Bob__yuan/article/details/106200971 ^https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/455113711 ^https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/456372370...
python 中获取 enum 的 str 形式 通过EYouEnum.enum_names() 获取到所有字符串的列表,再通过 int index 获取到具体index对应的字符串值。 继承自 ActorBase 的 Python 类的ReceiveBeginPlay不执行了 蓝图子类重写了相关方法,没有调用父方法,则可能出现类似情况, 蓝图子类方法中断开了对父类相关方法的调用后可出现...
7)通过静态代码生成,导出了UE4所有的enum,并使用int支持enum参数 8)支持扩展方法 类似c#的extension method,slua unreal也支持扩展方法,什么是扩展方法呢?比如一个UUserWidget这个蓝图类,存在如下方法: /** @returns The uobject widget corresponding to a given name */ UWidget* GetWidgetFromName(const FName...
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category ="Ability System") voidGiveAbility(TSubclassOf<UGameplayAbility> Ability, int32 Level = 1); 2、CharacterBase.cpp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 voidACharacterBase::GiveAbility(TSubclassOf<UGameplayAbility> Ability, int32 Level) { if(AbilitySystemComponent)...
These resources now live on a new community-run Unreal Engine Community Wiki —https://unrealcommunity.wiki/! You will be able to find content from the official Unreal Engine Wiki atue4community.wiki/legacy, where we’re working closely with the curators to ensure a complete mirror of the le...
();constint32 CompactPoseNumBones=GetCompactPoseNumBones();RetargetSourceCachedData->CompactPoseIndexToOrientAndScaleIndex.Reset();for(int32 CompactBoneIndex=0;CompactBoneIndex<CompactPoseNumBones;CompactBoneIndex++){constint32&SkeletonBoneIndex=CompactPoseToSkeletonIndex[CompactBoneIndex];if(Asset...
function int Foo() { local int Count; Count = 1; return Count; } 这里是UnrealScript中支持的内置的变量类型: byte(字节型): 一个字节值的范围是0到255 int(整型): 32位的整型值 bool(布尔型): 布尔值:=真= 或假 float(浮点型): 32位的浮点数。
If you are running multiple threads within the same class, you may want to preface your global variables withthread_local. This will guarantee that each thread receives its own individual instances of the variables. std::atomic By wrapping a variable in anatomic, such asstd::atomic<int> i;,...
const TArray<int32>& CompactPoseIndexToOrientAndScaleIndex = RetargetSourceCachedData.CompactPoseIndexToOrientAndScaleIndex; // If we have any cached retargeting data. if ((OrientAndScaleDataArray.Num() > 0) && (CompactPoseIndexToOrientAndScaleIndex.Num() == RequiredBones.GetCompactPoseNumBones...
enum EUnrealEngineObjectUE4Version { VER_UE4_OLDEST_LOADABLE_PACKAGE = 214, // Removed restriction on blueprint-exposed variables from being read-only VER_UE4_BLUEPRINT_VARS_NOT_READ_ONLY, // Added manually serialized element to UStaticMesh (precalculated nav collision) ...