Merge chosen geometry into neighboring geometry. Parameters NameDescription CollectionThe collection to be processed TransformIndicesThe transform indices to process, or empty if all should be processed VolumesVolumes of geometry; 1:1 w/ TransformIndices array ...
fill_all_mesh_holes(fill_options, debug=None) -> (DynamicMesh, num_filled_holes=int32, num_failed_hole_fills=int32)¶ Tries to fill all open boundary loops (such as holes in the geometry surface) of a mesh. Parameters: fill_options (GeometryScriptFillHolesOptions)– specifies the ...
a.SkinWeightProfile.LoadByDefaultModeEnables/disables run-time optimization to override the original skin weights with a profile designated as the default to replace it. Can be used to optimize memory for specific platforms or devices-1 = disabled0 = static disabled1 = static enabled2 = dynamic ...
Each node can either represent a single dynamic bone or a continuous chain of dynamics bones sharing similar constraint data. This allows for more realistic behavior when simulating larger numbers of connected bodies. With single nodes we only push forces down the chain, and never propagate them ...
The same two methods of installing the plugin lead me to the same error: The error the keeps repeating is: LogPackageName: Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: 'None/SK_model_2_EyeCorneaMesh' is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path should start ...
新货:MAC 上的 SHADER MODEL 5 渲染 Mac Metal 现在能够默认开启 Shader Model 5 的支持了。这将使得所有 Mac OS X 10.11.6 的 Metal 上可用的特性都能在虚幻引擎 4 中得以使用。实现了 RHI 线程和平行调度分发渲染指令。 对Metal 计算 shader 的支持。 支持在 AMD GPU 上的异步计算。 启用了原先在 Mac...
AssetsObject->SetStringField(ASSET_TYPE_TO_STRING_MAP[AssetType], AssetIdStr); const auto Writer = TJsonWriterFactory<>::Create(&OutputJsonString); if (!FJsonSerializer::Serialize(JsonObject.ToSharedRef(), Writer)) { // UE_LOG(LogReadyPlayerMe, Warning, TEXT("Failed to create a va...
Bugfix: Phantom asset being created when ‘Accept Source’ was used in the Blueprint Merge Tool. Bugfix: Child Blueprints inherited variables would not display the replication settings set in the parent Blueprint. Bugfix: The Details panel Macro where the tooltip for the "Keywords" and “Compa...
0: Decode directly to output device configuration, 1: Enabled au.AnalysisTimeShift Shifts the timeline for baked analysis playback.Value: The time in seconds to shift the timeline. au.AudioEditor.EnableSoundEffectEditorPrototype Enables's the UE5 prototype sound effect editor....
New: Virtual Bones We’ve added the ability to add ‘virtual bones’ to a skeleton. Virtual bones are not skinnable, but constrained between two existing bones on the skeleton and automatically have data generated for them for each animation on the skeleton. For example, you could add a joi...