19.用户用过的命令和执行历史执行的命令 history 显示用户过去命用的命令 !!执行最近一次的命令 20.uname 查看linux系统信息 参数:-a 所有信息 -r 版本号 -n 主机名 21.建立软连接 ln [-sf] source target ln souce-file hard-link ln -sf source-file soft-link s表示软连接,f表示,若有同名文件在,则...
在Unix 中获得帮助 man– 查看 Unix 命令的手册页 Unix Shell 命令 clear– 清除屏幕 history– 显示以前命令的历史 时间和日期命令 date– 显示当前日期和时间 sleep– 等待给定的秒数 uptime- 找出系统已经运行了多长时间 Unix 用户命令 这些命令允许您获取有关环境中 Unix 用户的基本信息。 whoami– 显示您的用...
服务管理命令 ntsysv 设置系统服务 40.fdisk /mbr 删除GRUB41.数据库启动 启动mysql: service mysqld start(/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start) mysql -uroot -p 输入密码即可操作mysql数据库. 启动Oraclesu -oracle$lsnrctl stop $lsnrctl start sqlplus /nolog conn /as sysdba(connected) startup 42.安装软件...
command [-options] [parameter1] … 说明: command:命令名,相应功能的英文单词或单词的缩写 [-options]:选项,可用来对命令进行控制,也可以省略,[]代表可选 parameter1 …:传给命令的参数,可以是零个一个或多个 3.2.2 查看帮助文档 「--help」 一般是 Linux 命令自带的帮助信息,并不是所有命令都自带这个选项。
The-VCS-Developmenttags denote the point along an imported version control history branch where a particular release occurred. The easiest thing you can do is to watch the repository'sGource Visualization. If you have a broadband network connection and about 1.5GB of free disk space, you can do...
then use themc aliascommand. GitLab CI When using the Docker container in GitLab CI, you mustset the entrypoint to an empty string. deploy: image: name: minio/mc entrypoint: [''] stage: deploy before_script: - mc alias set minio $MINIO_HOST $MINIO_ACCESS_KEY $MINIO_SECRET_KEY script...
The command-line interfaces ipcs and ipcm are also provided for the management of shared memory segments. The ipcs interface reports the status of interprocess communication objects. The ipcm interface removes an interprocess communication identifier, such as a shared memory segment....
96 Editing commands from the history file... 96 Using the retrieve function keys... 97 Command-line editing...
multiple users to simultaneously access a mainframe computer. Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others developed the basic building blocks of Unix including a hierarchical file system and a command line interpreter for the PDP-7. Multiple generations of Unix systems were developed for myriad computers...
20:sqlplus test/test @/home/oracle/scripts/test.sql 21: 22:echo' ' 23:date 24:echo' ' 3: dos2unix 可以一次转换多个文件 1:dos2unix filename1 filename2 filename3 4: 默认情况下会在源文件上进行转换,如果需要保留源文件,那么可以使用参数-n dos2unix -n oldfilename newfilename ...