pathname/scriptname shell script的三种执行方法 #command 前台进程 #command & 后台进程 nice/renice 增加/再增加nice的值,从而降低进程优先级; nohup command & 使用户的后台进程在用户退出时仍然运行 #alias alias=string 赋命令别名 unalias aliasname 取消命令别名 history 显示最后的16条命令 cal 2003/cal 2 ...
19.用户用过的命令和执行历史执行的命令 history 显示用户过去命用的命令 !!执行最近一次的命令 20.uname 查看linux系统信息 参数:-a 所有信息 -r 版本号 -n 主机名 21.建立软连接 ln [-sf] source target ln souce-file hard-link ln -sf source-file soft-link s表示软连接,f表示,若有同名文件在,则...
unix-history-repois a repository representing a reconstructed version of the Unix history, based on the currently available data. This repository will be often automatically regenerated from scratch, so this is not a place to make contributions. To ensure replicability its users are encouraged to fo...
# export # export LC_ALL=zh_CN MSGER_HOME=/amp/msger PATH_SEPARATOR=: CP=(lsMSGER_HOME/lib/*.jar | \ paste -s -d"$PATH_SEPARATOR" - ) cd $MSGER_HOME java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp $ else echo "Msger is already start,pidis:$pids" fi ...
This will show you the full path to your current working directory, relative to the root directory(/). Rm(remove files or directories) The command rm file will remove the specified file. Some useful options for rm include rm -i( interactive mode - you will be prompted to comfirm file del...
# uptime# Show how long the system has been running + load# hostname# system's host name# hostname -i# Display the IP address of the host. (Linux only)# man hier# Description of the file system hierarchy# last reboot# Show system reboot history ...
Returns the error code from the last command.ShellString(str)Examples:var foo = new ShellString('hello world');This is a dedicated type returned by most ShellJS methods, which wraps a string (or array) value. This has all the string (or array) methods, but also exposes extra methods: ...
alloc built-in command for tcsh: Show the amount of dynamic memory acquired bindkey built-in command for tcsh: List all bound keys builtins built-in command for tcsh: Prints the names of all built-in commands bye built-in command for tcsh: Terminate the login shell chdir built-in ...
command parameters(命令 参数) 复制代码 1. 2. 长短参数 单个参数:ls -a(a 是英文 all 的缩写,表示“全部”) 多个参数:ls -al(全部文件 + 列表形式展示) 单个长参数:ls --all 多个长参数:ls --reverse --all 长短混合参数:ls --all -l
History won't be saved without the following command: export SAVEHIST=$HISTSIZE To prevent history from recording duplicated entries (such as ls -l entered many times during single shell session), you can set the hist_ignore_all_dups option: setopt hist_ignore_all_dups A useful trick to...