19.用户用过的命令和执行历史执行的命令 history 显示用户过去命用的命令 !!执行最近一次的命令 20.uname 查看linux系统信息 参数:-a 所有信息 -r 版本号 -n 主机名 21.建立软连接 ln [-sf] source target ln souce-file hard-link ln -sf source-file soft-link s表示软连接,f表示,若有同名文件在,则...
AIX系统级命令简介内容提要 在AIX操作系统上有很多的命令。这里介绍一些系统级的命令,它将有助于回答一些常见问题。大家以此做参考,并补充修改。以下命令在AIX 5.1上测试通过。 · 关于内核 显示AIX系统内核是32位还是64位: bootinfo -K 如何改变内核模式(32位或64位) /unix文件连接到一个可引导的映像。通过命令...
Shell 是一个程序,提供一个与用户对话的环境。这个环境只有一个命令提示符,让用户从键盘输入命令,所以又称为命令行环境(command line interface ,简写为CLI )。Shell 接收到用户输入的命令,将命令送入操作系统执行,并将结果返回给用户。 ...
PSPG_HISTORYpath to file pspg's readline history file Example of config file The fields names can be different than from related command line options: ascii_menu = false bold_labels = false bold_cursor = false ignore_case = false ignore_lower_case = false no_cursor = false no_sound = ...
git-commaLeah Neukirchen'sblogAdds and commits a file in one command. git-commit-browserFrom thefzf wikiUsesfzfto browse commit history. git-conflictsSeth Messer'sbits and bobsrepositoryShow files with conflicts. git-copy-branch-nameZach Holman'sdotfilesCopy the current branch's name to the cl...
help Display help for a built-in command [builtin command in BASH] history Command History hostname Print or set system name i iconv Convert the character set of a file id Print user and group IDs if Conditionally perform a command ifconfig Configure a network interface ifdown Stop...
history — Display a command history list iconv — Convert characters from one code set to another id — Return the user identity inetd daemon — Provide service management for networks infocmp — Compare or print the terminal description integer — Mark each variable with an integer value...
# uptime# Show how long the system has been running + load# hostname# system's host name# hostname -i# Display the IP address of the host. (Linux only)# man hier# Description of the file system hierarchy# last reboot# Show system reboot history ...
75 Editing commands from the history file... 76 Using the retrieve function keys... 76 Command-line editing...
This paper presents a brief history of the early development of the Unix operating system. It concentrates on the evolution of the file system, the process-control mechanism, and the idea of pipelined commands. Some attention is paid to ... DM Ritchie - Symposium on Language Design & Programm...