方法一 : 继承 XRGrabInteractable 既然XRGrabInteractable 本身就是一个类,那么我们继承它,然后重写一些方法感觉可行: usingUnityEngine;usingUnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;publicclassChangeColorWhenGrabbed:XRGrabInteractable{protectedoverridevoidOnSelectEntered(SelectEnterEventArgsargs){base.OnSelectEntered(args);...
my code spawns 10 objects of class node, each if which move around during the lifetime of the scene. each node has a XRGrabInteractable object that allows them to be moved using a controller in VR. this only works for the first few seconds then they the node (sphere) and the XRGrab...
IXRSelectInteractable(也就是XRGrabInteractable),还需要获取抓着他的交互器 IXRSelectInteractor(可以是DirectInteractor或RayInteractor,详细看上篇)。 IXRSelectInteractable很好获取,那么它的交互器怎么获取呢? XRGrabInteractable grabObject; void Handle(){ IXRSelectInteractable interactable = grabObject as XRGrabI...
HandGrabInteractable ⭐Support Grab Type ⭐Pinch Grab Rules 和 Palm Grab Rules ⭐Unselect Mode ⭐Hand Alignment ⭐Scaled Hand Grab Poses ⭐Movement Provider MoveTowardsTargetProvider MoveFromTargetProvider FollowTargetProvider 此教程相关的详细教案,文档,思维导图和工程文件会放入 Spatial XR 社...
6.Edit—ProjectSettings—Player—XRSetting—Virtual Reality SDKs添加Stereo Display (non head-mounted) 7.Edit—ProjectSettings—Player—Resolution and Presentation—Run In Back ground选中(如果不用zView可以不设置此项) 第四步:查看zCore自带案例,如下 ...
[XR] XR Grab Interactable attach point is lower than expected when Movement Type is set to Instantaneous Package: XR Interaction - Nov 21, 2020 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached "VR_Multiplayer_Tutorial.zip" project 2. Load the "HomeScene" and enter Play mode 3. Grab the...
Class XRGrabInteractable Interactable component that allows for basic grab functionality. When this behavior is selected (grabbed) by an Interactor, this behavior will follow it around and inherit velocity when released. Inheritance Object MonoBehaviour XRBaseInteractable XRGrabInte...
starting with 0.10.0-preview.3 where the select events have been split up so that both interactor and interactable have a chance to process the interaction state change before raising a UnityEvent for subscribers. The XR Grab Interactable's method for computing the target location was also update...