1.Wait Until并不会再执行前面的代码,而是反复执行获取bool变量的代码;需自己拆出来写。 2.yield return null对应Wait For Next Frame,多用这个避免协程运行中的GC 3.链接自定义方法在Project Settings->Visual Scripting的Type Options里,每次修改过点击Regenerate Units更新。 4.按住Ctrl+鼠标拖拽,可以放置Group框起...
刚才第3点已经提到了WaitForEndOfFrame了,一般是这样使用 publicclassWaitForEndFrameTest{voidAwake(){ StartCoroutine(CallPluginAtEndOfFrames()); } IEnumerator CallPluginAtEndOfFrames(){while(true){//Wait until all frame rendering is done//TODO: Render Plugin but not componentyieldreturnnewWaitForEndOfFrame...
voidStart(){StartCoroutine(OnEndOfFrame());}IEnumeratorOnEndOfFrame(){yieldreturnnull;while(true){//Debug.LogFormat("Called on EndOfFrame.");yieldreturnnewWaitForEndOfFrame();}} 在Profiler 内可以看到,上面的代码会导致 WaitForEndOfFrame 对象的每帧分配,给 GC 增加负担。假设游戏内有 10 个活跃协程,...
{//Return whatever the coroutine yielded, so we will yield the//same thingyieldreturn_current.Current; }else//Otherwise wait for the next frameyieldreturnnull; } } IEnumerator CountUp() {//We have a local increment so the routines//get independently faster depending on how//long they have...
//Otherwise wait for the next frame yield return null; } } IEnumerator CountUp() { //We have a local increment so the routines //get independently faster depending on how //long they have been active float increment = 0; while(true) ...
Photon Unity Networking (PUN)是一种用于多人游戏的Unity软件包。 灵活的匹配可以让玩家进入房间,可以通过网络同步对象。 快速和可靠的通信是通过专用的Photon 服务器完成的,因此客户端连接不需要1对1。
yield return null; // Wait for the next frame } } } ``` 在这个例子中,`FrameCounterCoroutine`方法是一个协程,它在一个无限循环中运行,每次循环都输出当前帧数,并通过`yield return null;`等待下一帧。 使用Update方法 Update方法是Unity中的一个特殊方法,它在每一帧都会被调用。你可以在Update方法中添...
//Otherwise wait for the next frame yield return null; } } IEnumerator CountUp() { //We have a local increment so the routines //get independently faster depending on how //long they have been active float increment = 0; while(true) ...
publicclassMainTest:MonoBehaviour{// Start is called before the first frame updatevoidStart(){Debug.Log("start1");StartCoroutine(Test());Debug.Log("start2");}IEnumeratorTest(){Debug.Log("test1");yieldreturnnull;Debug.Log("test2");} ...
// increment counter by change in time between framesyieldreturnnull;// wait for the next frame}...