在TimeLine编辑窗口中,指示属性更改的白色菱形将添加到您更改属性的任意位置,并且将关键帧...。 可设置动画的属性包括Transform,以及添加到游戏对象的所有组件的可编辑属性。 要开始创建动画,请将时间轴播放头(白色marker)移动到第一个关键帧的位置,然后执行以下操作之一: 在检视 ...
使用DoTween的动画序列功能时,我们需要编写类似这样的代码: DOTween.Sequence() .Append(transform.DOMove(new Vector3(1f, 2f, 3f), 1f)) .Append(transform.DORotate(new Vector3(0f, 0f...
本文介绍的内容可以将DoTween的这种动画序列在编辑器中进行编辑,如图所示: 实现代码: using System;using DG.Tweening;using UnityEngine;namespace SK.Framework{[Serializable]public sealed class TransformTweenAnimation{public Transform actor;public TransformTweenAnimationType type;public SpaceType space;public bool ...
public Transform TargetTF; //要跟随的目标public float RecordGap = 0.2f; //目标移动多远记录一次距离public float StopCount = 2f; //记录还剩多少时停止移动public float WalkSpeed = 10f; //走速度public float RunSpeed = 20f; //跑速度public float SpeedLerpRant = 0.1f; //速度变化的缓动率public...
图形设置: Camera RenderScale Camera AA选项 Camera 投影设置 Active Camera Number 看不到任何物体的空转相机 Camera 近裁剪面和远裁剪面设置 每个Camera Renderer关联各自的配置, 如:UI和场景分开Renderer独立配置需要的Feature Texture 分辨率 Texture 压缩格式 ...
Right click > Select "Add Tween *** Clip" to add the clip to the track. Set the clip values from the Inspector. Parameter Settings Toggle Whether to control that parameter. If checked, animation for that parameter will be enabled.
// If loop track public Transform target; public float targetStep = 10.0f; public float trackDist = 10.0f; public bool isLooping = true; public int curPathIndex { get; private set; } // The progress round the route, used in smooth mode. ...
tForm - Transform to affect to - Target destination/rotation/volume/etc. duration - Length of time in seconds for the manipulation to complete. Applies to a single loop/pingPong iteration. mirrorCurve - Swap the in/out curve shapes. Get EaseOut by combining the EaseIn curve with this flag....