2.Transform - Transform FindChild(string name) 可以搜索到子节点,但不支持孙节点,曾孙节点等。支持非激活的节点 不支持搜索自身,出场率很低,基本用不到 varaTaransform = transform.FindChild("a"); Debug.Log(aTransform); 3.Component - T GetComponentInChildren<T>(bool includeInactive) 支持子节点,孙...
找到子物体的transform 有三种方法:GetComponentsInChildren,递归查找,栈查找 GetComponentsInChildren 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 foreach (Transform t in check.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()) { if (t.name == name) { Debug.Log("得到最终子物体的名字是:" + t.name...
If the transform has no child, or the index argument has a value greater than the number of children then an error will be generated. In this case "Transform child out of bounds" error will be given. The number of children can be provided by childCount. using UnityEngine; using System....
//删除所有子类DetachChildren Unparents all children.//查找子类对象的TransformFind Finds a child by name and returns it.//获取子类对象Transform组件,根据索引GetChild Returns a transform child by index.// 调用此方法的Transform是否为后面的Transform组件儿子IsChildOf Isthistransform a childofparent?// 为...
transform是gameobject的组件Transform的实例 父子物体通过transform.parent和transform.GetChild连接 例如上图 如果我们手中可以获取父物体(gameobject) 而我们想要获取到子物体1下的组件Image(图上没画)的话 首先 我们应使用: GameObject 父物体;Transform 父物体的transform组件=父物体.transform; ...
The object obj will be destroyed now or if a time is specified t seconds from now. If obj is a Component it will remove the component from the GameObject and destroy it. If obj is a GameObject it will destroy the GameObject, all its components and all transform children of the GameObject...
已將Children 和Components 群組新增至所有 GameObject 實例,讓您可以輕鬆地顯示所有物件階層。 已將Scene Path 新增至所有 GameObject 實例,以顯示場景中的位置。 已新增搭配來源產生器使用實體時 JobEntityBatch/Lambda 的支援。 改進了對大型陣列顯示的支援(使用索引分桶)。 已新增 2019.4 API 遺失的 Unity 訊息。
DetachChildrenUnparents all children. FindFinds a child by name n and returns it. GetChildReturns a transform child by index. GetLocalPositionAndRotationGets the position and rotation of the Transform component in local space (that is, relative to its parent transform). ...
Transform[] tempTransObj = ReadObj.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(true); //采用一次遍历创建完所有的层级菜单项 foreach (Transform item in tempTransObj) { BaseLevelPartObj tempBLPObj = Instantiate(PrefabsPartObj); PartsLevel tempLevel = (PartsLevel)(GetLevel(item) - 1); ...
//Destroy all childrentransform.DestroyChildren(); //Get direct children arrayTransform[]children=transform.GetDirectChildren(); //Get only direct children with 'Health' componentHealth[]children=transform.GetDirectChildrenOfType<Health>(); Component extensions ...