A script interface for thetext mesh component. See Also:text mesh component. Variables alignmentВыравниваниестрок (лево, право, центр). anchorТочка, относительнокоторойтекстбудетрисоваться ...
text mesh component的脚本接口。 另请参阅:text mesh component。 Variables alignment如何对齐文本行(选项包括 Left、Right、Center)。 anchor文本的哪个点共享变换位置。 characterSize每个字符的大小(此设置会缩放整个文本)。 color用于渲染文本的颜色。 font使用的 Font。
Scripting API TextMesh Pro includes a scripting API. All the major text and material properties are exposed through the API giving you complete control over your text. Get a full overview of TextMesh Pro by watching the following two videos. ...
It’s the perfect replacement for Unity’s UI Text and the legacy Text Mesh.Powerful and easy to use, TextMeshPro (also known as TMP) uses Advanced Text Rendering techniques along with a set of custom shaders; delivering substantial visual quality improvements while giving users incredible ...
TextMesh Pro is the ultimate text solution for Unity. It's the perfect replacement for Unity's New UI Text & Text Mesh.Powerful and easy to use, TextMesh Pro uses Advanced Text Renderingtechniques along with a set of custom shaders; delivering substantial visual quality improvements while ...
官方:TextMesh Pro User Guide,下载example资源,打开都正常,自己创建就不行。 Prefab转换成普通gameObject 选中要还原的GameObject 右键->Prefab->Unpack Completely 把图片的压缩设置改一遍,可以减小welgl打包包体大小 c#脚本更新,直接覆盖的话,有时候vs脚本不会更新,需要关闭重新打开才会更新 ...
TextMeshProUGUI TMP_Dropdown TMP_FontAsset TMP_InputField TMP_SpriteAsset UnityMessageListener Variables VariablesAsset VariablesSaver Built-in Components Animation Animator AudioReverbZone AudioSource BoxCollider BoxCollider2D BuoyancyEffector2D Camera ...
doubleclick the item in the Unity Console. Also provides the ability to colorize in the Console. Usage:Wrj.CustomLog.Log("Test", Color.cyan). AddCustomLogTextUpdatecomponent to an object containing aTMPro.TextMeshProUGUI,UnityEngine.UI.TextorTextMeshto update text each timeCustomLog.Log()is ...