Scripts in here are always compiled first. Scripts are output to either Assembly-CSharp-firstpass, Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass, or Assembly-Boo-firstpass, depending on the language. See Scripts inside the Standard Assets f...
To use an async lambda registered to an event, don't use async void. Instead you can use UniTask.Action or UniTask.UnityAction, both of which create a delegate via async UniTaskVoid lambda.Action actEvent; UnityAction unityEvent; // especially used in uGUI // Bad: async void actEvent +...
Update函数,轮询查trigger_list是否大于0,如果是,则读取到最优的event,调用StartEvent函数。 来看一下StartEvent都干啥了。 public void StartEvent(NarrativeEvent narrative_event) { //1. 触发同在一个gameObject下的effects narrative_event.TriggerEffects(); //2. NarrativeEventLine存了当前event挂载的gameObject...
Another common mistake that people new to DI make is that they extract interfaces from every class, and use those interfaces everywhere instead of using the class directly. The goal is to make code more loosely coupled, so it's reasonable to think that being bound to an interface is better...
Figure 4shows the script you need to have in the configuration file. Here I registered two behaviors for the ICalculator type. This means that any calls to public members of the interface will be pre- and post-processed by LogBehavior and BinaryBehavior. ...
General: Added a missing namespace to the Google.MiniJson.dll. General (iOS): Fix an issue with bitcode not being enabled correctly. Functions: Add a new method GetHttpsCallableFromURL, to create callables with URLs other than Analytics (iOS): Added InitiateOnDeviceConversi...
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; public class AssertionExampleClass :MonoBehaviour{ public int health; publicGameObjectgo; voidUpdate() { // You expect the health never to be equal to zeroAssert.AreNotEqual(0, health); // The referencedGameObjectshould be always (in every frame)...
but we’re only interested in it after some other event has happened. Let’s say we want to debug the “take damage” routines, but only after a shield has expired. Because we take damage at all points during the game, this can be very hard or frustrating to debug. Dependent breakpoint...
We recently released Rider, a new IDE for C# and .NET developers. It runs cross platform, on Windows, Mac and Linux, and comes with built-in support for Unity – code completion for event functions, in
免费使用最广泛应用的游戏引擎,将您的创意和愿景变为现实。 了解详情 Pro 利用专业工具释放团队潜力,创作跨设备和平台的爆款游戏。 了解详情 Enterprise 使用可根据团队规模扩展的专家支持和创作工具,管理复杂的实时 3D 项目。 了解详情 免责声明 创作者名单:创:Catalyst, Bithell Games, Big Fan Games, Devolver Di...