关于 Unity 中 MonoBehaviour 的生命周期的更多信息请 见: docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ExecutionOrder C# 通过代码与 skeleton 互动需要访问 SkeletonAnimation 组件.如同其他 Unity 组件一样, 建议对引用查询一次后将其存储起来以便复用. 1. ... 2. using Spine.Unity; 3. 4. public class YourComponent : ...
虽然这不是推荐的工作流, 但spine-unity API也可以让运行时用 SkeletonDataAsset 实例化 SkeletonAnimation 和SkeletonGraphic GameObjects, 甚至直接用导出的三种资产来直接实例化组件. 只有当你无法依赖常规Unity导入流程来自动创建 SkeletonDataAsset 和SpineAtlasAsset 资产时, 才建议直接通过导出资产来实例化....
墨moljerc 运行时读取fbx文件我想问unity有没有可以在游戏运行是读取外部fbx文件的可能,就像opengl那样直接从fbx或者max文件中直接读取模型数据绘制场景 分享6赞 spine吧 a443850741 spine导入到unity之后,照着官方的文档有些问题右键点击_SkeletonData资源然后选择Spine > Instantiate (SkeletonAnimation),实例化一个Spine...
If you don't know how C# delegates work and to subscribe in C#, look it up. It basically looks like this: yourSkeletonAnimation.state.Complete += YourHandleCompleteMethod; It will pass parameters and stuff to your method that you'll find useful. For more info on the difference between ...
referring to the following code in Start(): skeletonAnimation = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>(); if (sourceMaterial == null) { if (skeletonAnimation != null) sourceMaterial = skeletonAnimation.SkeletonDataAsset.atlasAssets[0].Materials[0]; } ...
the UI Mask of die UI elementViewportstill affects sprites and the SkeletonAnimation's renderer. There you need a SortingGroup component on top of both the SpriteMask and all non-UI components (withOrder in Layerset to 100 or higher), so that the masks don't interfere with each other. Th...
They appear both as an info box in the Inspector as well as upon initialization in the Console log window. The Inspector box warnings can be disabled via Edit - Preferences - Spine. Now providing BeforeApply update callbacks at all skeleton animation components (SkeletonAnimation, Skeleton...
关于 Unity 中 MonoBehaviour 的生命周期的更多信息请 见: docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ExecutionOrder C# 通过代码与 skeleton 互动需要访问 SkeletonAnimation 组件.如同其他 Unity 组件一样, 建议对引用查询一次后将其存储起来以便复用. 1. ... 2. using Spine.Unity; 3. 4. public class YourComponent : ...