The "Mouse Inspect" dropdown in the "Inspector" panel allows you to inspect objects under the mouse. World: uses Physics.Raycast to look for Colliders UI: uses GraphicRaycasters to find UI objects UnityExplorer provides a basic Free Camera which you can control with your keyboard and mouse....
1 using UnityEngine; 2 using System.Collections; 3 public class DefuseBomb : MonoBehaviour { 4 ...//此处省略了其他函数和变量等的声明,请读者自行查阅光盘 5 void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { //当玩家进入拆弹范围时 6 if (GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy")){ //当敌人没有消灭干净时 7 retur...
In a typical 3D game, many of the same concepts from a 2D game apply—colliders, triggers, rigid bodies, game objects/transforms, components and more. Regardless of the type of 3D game, you’ll typically want to control input, movement, and characters; use animations and particle effects;...
● 当单击General(综合设置)选项,会进入综合设置界面,如图2-33所示,里面是在整体上对Unity集成开发环境进行一些相关的设置,分别是Auto Refresh(自动更新)、Always Show Project Wizard(总是显示项目向导)、Compress Assets On Import(压缩资源导入)、Editor Analytics (编辑器分析)、Verify Saving Assets(保存验证资源)...
Toggle visibility of all Gizmos in the Scene view 切换场景视图里装置(摄像机、光等)可见性 二、游戏窗口 Game 游戏 Simulator 仿真器 Display 显示器,支持多屏显示,最高8个摄像头视角 Portrait 纵向 Landscape 横向 Low Resolution Aspect Ratios 低分辨率纵横比 ...
八、Generate Colliders属性:设置网格碰撞的 Animate属性是绘制帧的 (add tag ->animate) 九、Unity3D下分8个菜单栏 (翻译的不一定准)分别是File(文件)Edit(编辑)Assets(资源) GameObject (游戏对象) Component(组件)Terrain(地形) Window(窗口) Help(帮助) File(文件)---New Scene 新建场景...
Set the Custom index pages by selecting them or deselecting them from the Custom Indexers dropdown list.包的自定义偏好设置Some Asset Store or Unity packages add their own custom preferences to the Preferences window. Typically, these use the package name as the preferences category. In this exa...
48.Collider相互作用矩阵 当两个对象发生碰撞时,会发送不同的碰撞事件,如OnTriggerEnter、OnCollisionEnter等等,这取决于具体的碰撞体设置,下表列出了不同类型的碰撞体发生碰撞时所能发出的事件类型。详情可参考Unity 官方文档: ...
Box colliders are great for objects shaped like squares or rectangles, or when you simply want to detect collisions in a square area. Think of a platform you can stand on—this is a good example of a box collider. Simply adding this component to your game object allows you to take ...
按住Shift+Ctrl(macOS:Shift+Command),并将鼠标移动到您要将所选GameObject对齐到的Collider的表面上。 屏幕空间变换 在使用变换工具时,按住Shift键可启用屏幕空间模式。这种模式允许您根据在屏幕上的显示情况移动、旋转和缩放GameObject,而不是在场景中进行操作。