找到Let’s Try Shooter > Scenes文件夹下的ShootingWithRaycasts场景并双击打开。其中已经设置好了本课程所需的游戏环境,FPSController来自Unity自带的Standard Assets资源包,下面新增了Gun游戏对象: 第二步 添加射击脚本 下面来添加射击脚本。在Scripts目录下新建C#脚本命名为RaycastShoot,将该脚本拖拽至层级视图的Gun游戏...
将创建好的GunEnd游戏对象拖拽至Gun对象的RaycastShoot脚本的GunEnd字段。 5 添加RayViewer脚本 上面提到了,瞄准物体并进行碰撞检测的射线并非我们需要绘制的射击轨迹。需要绘制的射击轨迹已经在RaycastShoot脚本中完成了,接下来添加RayViewer脚本,使用Debug功能在场景中绘制用于瞄准的射线,也就是从相机位置发出的射线。 新...
3.3.2 “Seeing” obstacles with a raycast Yadue azw nj prv codirtnuntoi re jgrc htcaper, ray tnagsic jc z ncteheiuq zrdr’a fuluse xtl liluptme sksat thiwni 3G stmolnsuiai. Dnk lyisea srgpade xczr cj shooting, prh erahont vzzr ray nastcgi cns gk slfueu elt jz nncasing ...
Shooting by instantiating objects(通过实例化物体进行拍摄)(98) 1. Creating the projectile prefab(创建射弹预制件)(98) 2. Shooting the projectile and colliding with a target(发射弹丸并与目标碰撞)(100) 3. Damaging the player(对玩家造成伤害)(103) 4. Developing graphics for your game(为您的游戏...
把如下代码添加到文件PlayerShooting.cs: 复制 void shoot(RaycastHit hit){// 1varprojectile=Instantiate(projectilePrefab).GetComponent<Projectile>();// 2varpointAboveFloor=hit.point + new Vector3(0, this.transform.position.y, 0);// 3vardirection=pointAboveFloor- transform.position;// 4varshootRay...
E、DoneEnemyShooting [C#]纯文本查看复制代码 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class DoneEnemyShooting : MonoBehaviour { // The maximum potential damage per shot. public float maximumDamage = 120f; // The minimum potential damage per shot. ...
RaycastHit hit; //check if we are collidering float rayCastLength = 5; Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0,0.5f,0); if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position+offset, transform.forward,out hit ,rayCastLength )) { //...with a door if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Door") ...
Shooting effect is achieved by Raycast. First we draw an invisible ray from the camera and detect whether the ray passes through any object with a collider. If the ray has hit an object with collider, we use line renderer to render a laser line from the fire point to the intersection poi...
子弹添加拖尾效果 新增拖尾材质Particles/Standard Unlit,配置参数 绑定材质 扩展 分享一个实体子弹射击脚本,一个脚本就可实现 public class ProjectileGunTutorial : MonoBehaviour{//子弹public GameObject bullet;//发射力量public float shootForce, upwardForce;//枪支状态public float timeBetweenShooting, spread, reload...
Let's check out 3 Ways of Shooting Projectiles and 3 Ways of doing Hit Detection. Transform, Physics and Raycast. VIDEO - TEXT VERSION Play Video Download Project Files Post Comment Related Videos My game is RELEASED! I hope you like it!Comments If you have any questions please post them...