Ray ray = new Ray(m_Camera.position, m_Camera.forward); RaycastHit hit; //做射线投射,看是否有物体相交 if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, m_RayLength, ~m_ExclusionLayers)) { VRInteractiveItem interactible = hit.collider.GetComponent(); //获取相交物体上的VRInteractiveItem组件 m_CurrentInter...
public GameObject[] towerPrefabs; [Header("游戏初始金钱")] public int currentMoney = 300; private int currentTowerIndex; //显示金钱文本 private Text moneyText; //游戏速度Toggle private Toggle gameSpeedToggle; //射线碰撞检测器 private RaycastHit hit; //射线 private Ray ray; private void Awake(...
UI控件上Raycast Target:当该项为false时,消息会透传(是否相应消息事件) UGUI的事件系统https://www.cnblogs.com/weiqiangwaideshijie/p/6859867.html Canvas都有一个Graphic Raycaster组件,用于获取用户选中的UGUI控件,多个Canvas之间的事件响应顺序由其显示顺序决定 、Sprite Renderer、ParticleSystem有sorting layer,order...
This sample shows how to create anchors as the result of a raycast hit. The "Clear Anchors" button removes all created anchors. Refer to theAnchorCreator.csscript. This script can create two kinds of anchors: If a feature point is hit, it creates a normal anchor at the hit pose using ...
在每次调用Update()时,该脚本都会使用Physics.Raycast来投射一条射线,以确认该射线是否命中任何collider(碰撞体)。使用该脚本还可以排除特定的Unity – Manual: Layers-(http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Layers.html)在某些场景中,我们可能为了性能考虑,把所有的可交互对象移到一个单独的层。
函 PlayspaceRaycast 式會採用光線並傳回,如果光線與已知表面相撞,則傳回 ,如果是的話,該表面的資訊會以 的形式呈現 RaycastResult。C++ 複製 struct RaycastResult { enum SurfaceTypes { Invalid, // No intersection Other, Floor, FloorLike, // Not part of the floor topology, // but close to the...
可修改射线长度,限制其检测的Layer层,并且可以得到射线检测到的碰撞信息。但仅能检测到第一个被射线碰撞的物体,后面的物体无法被检测到 用法...枚举为Ignore时,所有含碰撞器的物体,都将被射线检测忽略。为UseGlobal时反之。 Ray射线RaycastHit 光线投射碰撞信息Raycast 光线投射BoxCast...
Particle Raycast BudgetSet the maximum number of raycasts to use for approximateparticle systemA component that simulates fluid entities such as liquids, clouds and flames by generating and animating large numbers of small 2D images in the scene.More info ...
Finally, add the following scripts from the Unity VR Samples project to your project: VREyeRaycast, VRInput, VRInteractiveItem and Reticle. I’ll discuss the exact purpose of these scripts as I use them throughout the article, but they’ll save me a lot of coding later in the ap...
To use this property, enable UsePhysicalProperties. layerCullDistances Per-layer culling distances. layerCullSpherical How to perform per-layer culling for a Camera. lensShift The lens offset of the camera. The lens shift is relative to the sensor size. For example, a lens shift of 0.5 ...