Raycast(posFor2D, Vector2.zero); if (hit2D != null && hit2D.collider != null) { if(hit2D.collider.name.Equals(sprite.name)) return true; } return false; } } If you got any query related to How To crop 2Dsprite in unity then comment them below. We will try to solve them out...
innovations in Unity 2023. To my surprise, a long-awaitedSlidemethod has been added for theRigidbody2Dcomponent, which greatly simplifies writing a character controller by allowing the use ofRigidbody2Din Kinematic mode more effectively. Previously, all this functionality had to be implemented ...
Araycastis a feature in Unity that allows you to determine which objects are intersected by a line cast from a point in a given direction. While this is a fairly efficient way to handle visual detection in a simple way, it doesn't accurately model the way vision works for most entities...
If you use the default comparer Object.Equals, keep in mind that this will cause a call to the UnityEngine.Object.ComparerBaseObject that in turn, will also call the C# method Object.ReferenceEquals. All of these calls willcause a little overhead in the system.You can use the UnityID pro...
Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition),outrealTimeHitInfo); This function uses the physics engine to generate a ray from a point in space to another point in space, and it stores the data that it collects in an object of typeRaycastHitas anoutparameter, i.e.,real...
Aprenda a visualizar informações sobre o código do seu jogo para que você possa investigar e resolver problemas de desempenho com a classe Debug do Unity.
innovations in Unity 2023. To my surprise, a long-awaitedSlidemethod has been added for theRigidbody2Dcomponent, which greatly simplifies writing a character controller by allowing the use ofRigidbody2Din Kinematic mode more effectively. Previously, all this functionality had to be implemented ...