先说重点的Scene页面.Environment Lighting这些内容控制的是场景总体的光线信息, 包括天空盒的设置, 可以赋予一个天空盒材质上去, 而天空盒材质在Unity5里面也有更新, 很有意思, 大家可以试试, 新建一个材质然后选择Skybox/Procedural就行了.Sun---如果你的天空盒材质是Skybox/Procedural那么这里允许指定一个Directional...
You can bring a bunch of zombies into a scene and control them, but you wouldn’t create zombies in the Unity default tooling. In that sense, Unity isn’t an asset-creation tool like Autodesk Maya or 3DSMax, Blender or even Adobe Photoshop. There’s at least one third-party modeling ...
With the existing (legacy) Unity GUI system, you can’t see your GUI objects in the scene view, only in the Game view, which makes layout creation a little weird. If you like, you can use pure code to set up your GUI, and there’s a GUILayout class that lets you track widgets ...
Before you can set up a scene for XR, you must first:Set up the project for XR. Add the AR Foundation to the project, if you are developing an AR app. Add the XR Interaction Toolkit package, if you plan to use it (recommended). If you use the XR Interaction Toolkit, import the ...
// Assume this reference has been assigned in the editor. [SerializeField] private GameObject _zombie; void Start() { // Create a new instance of that game object. This can be // a prefab from your project or object already in scene. Instantiate(zombie, transform...
SetMaterialAlpha(lastHitObjs[i], 1f);//把他们的材质透明度恢复}}//结束之后,更新lastHitObjsfor (int i = 0; i < hitObjs.Count; i++){lastHitObjs.Add(hitObjs[i]);//这次的物体移到上次被碰到的List当中去}}void SetMaterialAlpha(GameObject go,float alpha){Renderer renderer = go.GetComponent...
This is set to 3D by default. If you aren’t sure which to choose, leave it as 3D. To change this setting in the Editor later, click the 2D button in the Scene view. Add Asset Package If you want to, you can use this to add pre-made content to your Project. The Asset ...
Locate the Main scene in the Project panel in Assets > Scenes > MainScene and double-click it.If no error messages appear, your project is ready to be configured and developed. You might notice warning messages, which are acceptable and will not interfere with your project's functionality.Fi...
AssetBundle.GetAllScenePaths 返回所有现场资产路径(路径*。 AssetBundle统一资产)。 只适用于流场景AssetBundles,否则返回空字符串数组 Low AssetBundle.Load 加载 从bundle中加载名为name的对象 改为AssetBundle.LoadAsset Low AssetBundle.LoadAll 加载全部 加载所有包含在asset bundle中且继承自type的对象 改为Ass...