Set Resolution... 设置分辨率Create Lightmap... 创建光影图Mass Place Trees... 批量种植树Flatten Heightmap... 展平高度图Refresh Tree and Detail Prototypes 刷新树及预置细节Window(窗口)---Next Window 下个窗口Previous Window 前窗Layouts 布局Scene 场景窗口Game 游戏窗口Inspector 检视窗口Hierarchy 层次窗...
1.0F)]publicfloatrenderScale=1.0F;publicFilterModefilterMode=FilterMode.Bilinear;privateRectoriginalRect;privateRectscaledRect;privateRectcameraOriginalRect;privateboolcameraSet=false;publicstaticCameraResolutionScalerInstance;#region 目前每个场景相机是独立的,所以需要一组数据记录...
在Build Settings 窗口中可以选择目标平台,调整构建设置,以及启动构建过程。要访问 Build Settings 窗口,请选择 File > Build Settings…。指定构建设置后,可单击 Build 创建构建版本,或单击 Build And Run 在指定的平台上创建并运行构建版本。
Default Window WidthThe default width of the application window inpixelsThe smallest unit in a computer image. Pixel size depends on your screen resolution. Pixel lighting is calculated at every screen pixel.More info See inGlossary. This option is only available if theFullscreen Modeis set toWi...
Build时勾选Development.Build、Autoconnect.Profiler 特定场景修改帧数: Unity>Preferences>Analysis>Profiler>Frame Count 默认300,可以最大提高至2000,以应用于不同的调试优化场景。(同时这个数值越高,越耗费cpu以及内存) Profiler视图: Hierarchy 它支持根据耗时来对采样进行排序。同时也可以计算计算当前帧函数调用的次数...
Toggle the visibility of the grid 切换栅格的可见性 Grid Visual 网格平视化 Grid Plane 栅格平面 Opacity不透明度 Move To 移动到 To Handle 处理 To Origin 到原点 (4) Toggle Grid Snapping on and off. Available when you set tool handle rotation to Global. 打开和关闭网格捕捉。将工具手柄旋转设置为...
Unity规范:图片的分辨率其中还讨论了九宫格图片的情况。 Choosing the resolution of your 2D art assets其中提到要经常build游戏以查看实际的运行效果。 帮你理清Unity中的Pixels Per UnitRPPU的公式出处。 画布- Unity手册Canvas Render Mode的详细说明,由于这里只讨论2D,没有动Render Mode。
void OnCapturedPhotoToMemory(PhotoCapture.PhotoCaptureResult result, PhotoCaptureFrame photoCaptureFrame) { if (result.success) { // Create our Texture2D for use and set the correct resolution Resolution cameraResolution = PhotoCapture.SupportedResolutions.OrderByDescending((res) => res.width * res....
Check Show Advanced Options which will allow you to set a Manual Proxy For Proxy hostname, use the IP address of your PC. You can easily obtain this value from within Charles by selecting Local IP Address from the Help menu For Proxy port, use the Charles default of 8888 ...
Unity provides the ability to easily modify the render target resolution of your application at runtime through the XRSettings.renderViewportScale property. The final image presented on-device has a fixed resolution. The platform will sample the lower resolution output to build a higher resolution im...