Get the Set Cursor Position + Mouse Clicks API package from Darkness Blade and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Input Management options on the Unity Asset Store.
// Here we use `containerWindow` to focus the camera on our newly instantiated objects after creation. //public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; } // Because this is a VisualElement, it is appropriate to place initialization logic in the constructor. // In this method you can also...
public ButtonAlias pointerToggleButton = ButtonAlias.Touchpad_Press; [Tooltip("The button to use for the action of setting a destination marker from the cursor position of the pointer.")] public ButtonAlias pointerSetButton = ButtonAlias.Touchpad_Press; [Tooltip("The button to use for the action...
使用Time.timeScale = 0; 可以将时间暂停,恢复则设置成1. 使用Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; 可以设置鼠标指针锁定(即不显示). 对于menu上的按钮等,可以将click的响应函数放在menu上进行统一管理。 动画播放则只要找到该物件上的animator,之后通过animator对象的set方法设置触发即可。 5. 3d物品展示在u...
varheadPose = interactionSourceState.headPose;varheadRay =newRay(headPose.position, headPose.forward); RaycastHit raycastHit;if(Physics.Raycast(headPose.position, headPose.forward,outraycastHit,10)) {varcursorPos = raycastHit.point;// ...} ...
A mouse cursor control module for Unity3D. It allows you to get and set the global mouse cursor position (relative to the OS), set the local mouse cursor position (relative to the unity game window), and simulate left, middle and right clicks. Currently supporting Windows only. A compiled...
position); } else { 动画控制器.SetLookAtWeight(0); } if (_左手) { 动画控制器.SetIKPositionWeight(AvatarIKGoal.LeftHand, 1); 动画控制器.SetIKPosition(AvatarIKGoal.LeftHand, _左手.position); 动画控制器.SetIKRotationWeight(AvatarIKGoal.LeftHand, 1); 动画控制器.SetIKRotation(AvatarIKGoal....
classObjectData{// 对象名称[field:SerializeField]publicstringName{get;privateset;}// 对象ID[field:SerializeField]publicintID{get;privateset;}// 对象尺寸[field:SerializeField]publicVector2IntSize{get;privateset;};// 对象预制体[field:SerializeField]publicGameObjectPrefab{get;privateset;}...
The cam parameter should be the camera associated with the screen point. For a RectTransform in a Canvas set to Screen Space - Overlay mode, the cam parameter should be null. 该cam 参数应该是该相机关联的屏幕点。对于在画布上的矩形变换设置该屏幕空间为-Overlay模式,cam 参数应该为空。
SetAxis 设置此输入的轴值。仅对输入键入的 Custom 有效。 SetButton 设置此输入的按钮值。仅对输入键入的 Custom 有效。 SetTrackerPosition 设置此输入的跟踪器位置。仅对输入键入的 Custom 有效。 SetTrackerRotation 设置此输入的跟踪器旋转。仅对输入键入的 Custom 有效。