OnDisable This function is called when the scriptable object goes out of scope. OnEnable This function is called when the object is loaded. OnValidate Editor-only function that Unity calls when the script is loaded or a value changes in the Inspector. Reset Reset to default values.Did...
Use this if you if you want to extend the functionality of the Project window. For example, to display information or tools relating to the assets or sub-assets that are visible. SerializedPropertyCallbackFunction Delegate to be called from EditorApplication contextual inspector callbacks....
Figure 4shows the script you need to have in the configuration file. Here I registered two behaviors for the ICalculator type. This means that any calls to public members of the interface will be pre- and post-processed by LogBehavior and BinaryBehavior. ...
These types can be natively serialized and deserialized by Unity, and manipulated in the Unity Editor's Inspector window. A MonoBehaviour provides a wrapper that links to a MonoScript. A MonoScript is an internal data type that Unity uses to hold a reference to a specific scripting class ...
这个属性是Unity4.5之后提供的新功能,可以在Inspector上面对变量追加一个右键菜单,并执行指定的函数。 例子: public class Sample : MonoBehaviour { [ContextMenuItem("Reset", "ResetName")] public string name = "Default"; void ResetName() { name = "Default"; ...
模式一:先点Generate Script自动生成[SerializeField]变量,然后点击Bind Properties将组件赋值给[SerializeField]变量; 优点是可以在Inspector面板上显示出每一个变量值,缺点是由于某种bug,直接生成完[SerialzedField]变量代码后,即使做了等待脚本编译和资源导入全部完成后再对[SerializeField]变量赋值,依然会出现"Type mismatch...
Editor; [CustomEditor(typeof(SampleBehaviour))] public class SampleEditor : ToolboxEditor { private void OnEnable() { } private void OnDisable() { } public override void DrawCustomInspector() { base.DrawCustomInspector(); //for custom properties: // - ToolboxEditorGui.DrawToolboxProperty(...
Package octorun and add script to automate creating these zips Jul 30, 2018 CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Update email address May 2, 2017 CONTRIBUTING.md Add information on how to build to the contributing doc Jul 3, 2017 GitHub.Unity.sln Show a message in the inspector when a file is locked. ...
In theInspectorwindow, click theAdd Componentbutton. Search forArcGIS Camera Controllercomponent and attach it to the camera. Set a fixed data loading point It is not a requirement to attach anArcGIS Cameracomponent to your active camera. In some cases, you may want to use anArcGIS Cameraas ...
6. In the Hierarchy window, select the “Navigation_Module” you've just added and look at the Inspector window. 选择要展开的图像Updating these values will update the parameters of the Nav Mesh Agent with the same names when the Start function of the Navigation Module component is called....