首先让我们从Hierarchy视图中删除ARKitControl,因为暂时不需要用到它。 使用Files-Save Scenes保存当前场景,然后从菜单中选择File -Build Settings,进入项目编译设置。 在上方的Scens In Build中勾选UnityARKitScene这个场景,然后在下方的Platform中选择iOS,然后点击Switch Platform切换平台设置。 等待操作完成后点击Player Se...
ES2.Save(123, "myFile.txt?encrypt=true&password=myPassword"); 参数列表 通用参数 tag -- 通过tag来标实一个文件中存储的多条数据 encrypt -- true / false 来确定数据是否加密 password -- 开启加密后的密码 savelocation -- 我们希望操作的位置, File,PlayerPrefs或者Resources ...
Note: If the current Scene is using all the files in the GI cache, increase your cache size. Otherwise, resource-intensive recomputation occurs when baking. This can happen when the Scene is large or the cache size is too small. Custom cache location 启用此选项可允许设置 GI 缓存文件夹的...
有关如何从 3D 建模软件导出 Humanoid 动画的指南,请参阅做好导出人形模型的准备。Note: Unity’s primary support for Model files is the FBX format. However, you can save your 3D files from most common 3D modeling software in their native format (for example, .max, .blend, .mb, .ma). ...
UnityIO - An easy to use API that allows you to manipulate files inside of Unity without the headache of using AssetDatabase. VariableAssets - Variable assets for Unity3D. AutoSaveScene - Unity editor helper for auto saving scene & minimizing lost work. EnumDispatcher - ECS backed C# enums...
对于新建的 Unity 工程,可借助“自动化生成项目脚本模板”工具,依据 QFramework 的规则生成初始化模板,生成后在全局设置里更改当前框架(Architecture)。 1.全局设置: 提供专门的全局设置窗口,便捷管理和切换 HKUnityTools 所应用的框架(Architecture),并配置各类工具的启用状态。
A native Unity plugin to interact with Gallery/Photos on Android & iOS (save and/or load images/videos) - yasirkula/UnityNativeGallery
Saved:主要是自动保存(autosaves)的文件、配置.ini文件和log文件,Source Control里不需要考虑此文件夹 Intermediate:顾名思义,一些temp文件存放的地方,还存放了Shaders,Source Control里不需要考虑此文件夹 Binaries:Contains executable files or other files created during compiling. ...
a name and location for the game using a standard Save dialog. When you click Save, Unity builds your game pronto. It’s that simple. If you are unsure where to save your built game to, consider saving it into the projects root folder. You cannot save the build into the Assets folder...
Zdravko shows you how easy it is to save and load player data in Unity - persisting to hard drive and reading from it. Start making awesome games today!