mSwitch.renderer.material.mainTexture = musicTex;mSwitch.transform.position = Vector3(10,10,0);为什么我写出来之后会无限克隆下去的。并且报错了。求解释。报错的:MissingComponentException: There is no 'Renderer' attached to the "musicswitch(Clone)" game object, but a script is trying to access ...
[RequireComponent(typeof(Renderer))] public class Player : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { var renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>(); if (!renderer) { renderer = gameObject.AddComponent<Renderer>(); Debug.LogWarning("Creating missing component Renderer"); } renderer.enabled = false; } } 1. 2....
MeshRenderer Microphone MissingComponentException MissingReferenceException MonoBehaviour Motion MovieTexture NavMesh NavMeshAgent NavMeshHit NavMeshObstacle NavMeshPath NavMeshTriangulation Network NetworkMessageInfo NetworkPlayer NetworkView NetworkViewID NotificationServices Object OcclusionArea OcclusionPortal OffMeshLi...
一、组件 Component 概念 二、Transform 组件和 Light 组件 三、Mesh Filter 组件和 Mesh Renderer 组件 一、组件 Component 概念 组件Component 是 选中 游戏物体 GameObject 后 , 在 Inspector 检查器 窗口 中 , 查看到的内容 ; 组件Component 代表了 游戏物体 GameObject 的一种功能 ; 空物体 只有 Transform 组...
First, it creates a game object with a sprite renderer component to draw the sprites. Then it creates an animation file. You can see this by going to Window | Animator and highlighting your game object. The animator shows the animation file assigned, which, in my case, contains six key ...
3D scenes consist primarily of three main visual components—lights, mesh renderers and shaders. A light is, well, a light, and Unity supports four different types. You can find them all under the GameObject menu. Experiment with adding the various types and changin...
Debug.LogErrorFormat($"Missing shader. {GetType().DeclaringType.Name} render pass will not execute. Check for missing reference in the renderer resources."); return null; } else if (!shader.isSupported) { return null; } return CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(shader); ...
renderer.SetPropertyBlock(propertyBlock); } } DOTS 开发模式下如何处理 DOTS 模式下没有MaterialPropertyBlock机制可以完成这样的操作,通过阅读文档,发现entities.graphics提供了一种机制,我们只要定义一种特殊的ComponentData,那么当我们修改这个ComponentData的时候,entities.graphics在渲染Entity的时候就会把这个ComponentData...
Trail Renderer 组件在移动的游戏对象后面随着时间的推移渲染一条多边形轨迹。此组件可用于强调移动对象的运动感,或突出移动对象的路径或位置。
“This is the first draw call of a new shadow cascade.” 新阴影级联的第一次绘制调用 “The material doesn‘t have GPU instancing enabled.” 材质未启用GPU Instancing功能 “Objects are rendered using different rendering functions. This can happen if the type of renderer is different (eg Mesh/Sk...