MeshRenderer Microphone MissingComponentException MissingReferenceException MonoBehaviour Motion MovieTexture NavMesh NavMeshAgent NavMeshHit NavMeshObstacle NavMeshPath NavMeshTriangulation Network NetworkMessageInfo NetworkPlayer NetworkView NetworkViewID NotificationServices Object OcclusionArea OcclusionPortal OffMeshLi...
Get the Nature Renderer 2022 package from Visual Design Cafe and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Terrain options on the Unity Asset Store.
Figure 5 A Quickly Created Terrain Unity Coordinate Systems Unity has four different methods for referring to a point in a game or on the screen as shown in Figure 6. There’s screen space, which ranges from 0 to the number of pixels and is used typically to ...
Terrain 后处理 项目工具包 可视化脚本 监测 插件 插件实际上是对某类功能的封装(模块化)。 通用:插件都是为了让大家不再重复造轮子,具有一定通用性。 时间就是金钱:插件对于中小型公司减少开发周期、Demo制作来说非常重要。 但代价是什么? 通用的代价 通用的代价就是:存在不可视的潜在风险。 通用性的必经之路:一...
Better performance than Unity's renderer is not guaranteed. * Alpha and Beta versions of Unity and preview packages are not supported. * This plugin is for the terrain's detail system. We render all detail objects and provide shaders for trees, but the trees are rendered by Unity. * Only...
Skinned Mesh Renderer 提供了许多属性和方法,例如骨骼系统、骨骼权重、动画剪辑、动画速度等,可以用来控制动画的播放和效果。另外,Skinned Mesh Renderer 还支持动态修改骨骼权重,从而实现更加灵活的动画效果。 Skinned Mesh Renderer 是 Unity 中实现角色动画的重要组件之一,可以让游戏角色在运动中更加自然和流畅。它是游...
The Trail Renderer component renders a trail of polygons behind a moving GameObject, over time. This can be used to give an emp... Unity UI Unity UI is a set of tools for developing user interfaces for games and applications. It is a GameObject-based UI system that u... Using an obl...
3. If Cesium World Terrain is not already selected, select it now. In theInspectorwindow, you'll see more information about this game object. This is aCesium3DTilesetcomponent. When attached to a game object, it streams 3D Tiles data into Unity and provides ways to configure that tileset...
TileBase tile = mapTile.terrainType == TerrainType.Grass ? grassTile : waterTile; tilemap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), tile); } } } } 在这个示例中,MapRenderer类包含了一个RenderMap方法用于将地图数据显示在Tilemap中。参数tilemap表示Tilemap组件,grassTile和waterTile表示草地和水面的Tile...
KvantLattice - A GPU accelerated fractal terrain renderer for Unity. Navigation Mesh (NavMesh) ST2U2DNavMeshImporter - Provides a custom importer to automatically setting up 2D Navmeshes (Using NavMeshSurface2DBaker) when importing "Tiled" tilemaps through SuperTiled2Unity. NavMeshSurface2DBaker...