using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; public class RemoveMissingScripts : EditorWindow { static int m_goCount; static int m_missingCount; [MenuItem("GameObject/Remove Missing Scripts")] static void Apply() { var beginTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; m_goCount = 0; m_missingCount = 0...
1[MenuItem("Edit/Cleanup Missing Scripts")]2staticvoidCleanupMissingScripts ()3{4for(inti =0; i < Selection.gameObjects.Length; i++)5{6vargameObject =Selection.gameObjects[i];78//We must use the GetComponents array to actually detect missing components9varcomponents = gameObject.GetComponents...
private static void RemoveMissingScriptsInFolder(string folderPath) { string[] assetPaths = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathsFromAssetFolder(folderPath); List<string> missingScripts = new List<string>(); foreach (string assetPath in assetPaths) { if (assetPath.EndsWith(".cs")) // Assuming script...
Unity 5.4.6f3 (64-bit) 问题现象 昨天改了点东西,发现某个Prefab拖到Hierarchy后状态不对(见上图)。和朋友聊过后发现Prefab上使用着一个已经删掉的脚本。 [MenuItem("GameObject/DMTools/移除MissingScripts")]staticvoidRemoveMissingScripts(){if(null!=Selection.activeTransform){_RemoveMissScripts(Select...
var missingScriptsFiles = refScriptIds .Where(kv => !allScriptsIds.Contains(kv.Key)) .Select(kv => kv.Value) .ToList() .Fold((a,b)=>newHashSet<string>(a.Concat(b)),newHashSet<string>()); Debug.LogError("--->\nMissingFiles: "missingScriptsFiles.Count); missingScriptsFiles.ForEac...
Each tab provides flexibility to remove missing scripts from specific objects or prefabs, or you can opt for bulk cleanup options for faster results. By using the Missing Script Remover, you ensure that your project remains well-maintained, performs better, and is less prone to errors stemming ...
20. 一键清理prefab丢失脚本Missing Scrips, GameObjectUtility.RemoveMonoBehavioursWithMissingScript(pfb); [MenuItem("Game Framework/GameTools/Clear Missing Scripts【清除Prefab丢失脚本】")] public static void ClearMissingScripts() { var pfbArr = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab"); foreach (var item ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 [MenuItem("Edit/Cleanup Missing Scripts")] ...
RemoveScriptableObjectsWithMissingScriptRemoves any ScriptableObject instances from the given asset file which cannot be loaded because their scripts could not be found. RemoveUnusedAssetBundleNamesRemove all the unused assetBundle names in the asset database. ...
其实不需要实例化也能查找,你依然直接用GetComponentsInChildren<>(true),对传true即可。。。这样搞还很麻烦。。。唯一关注是能否把Missing的脚本序列化找出来?? 使用GetComponentsInChildren<>(true) 可以直接把Project视图里的子对象找出来!!! return; 代码...