函数InstantiatePrefab实例化预制体,接受两个参数:预制体(prefab)和父级变换(parent)。这允许将预制体作为子对象添加到指定父级下。示例脚本在菜单栏添加"Tools/Instantiate Prefab"选项,点击后实例化预制体并添加到名为"Parent"的游戏对象下。InstantiatePrefabInScene函数允许在场景中实例化预制体,需要三...
GUILayout.EndScrollView();//NGUIEditorTools.DrawList("Objects", list.ToArray(), "");}///<summary>///依据脚本查找引用的对象///</summary>[MenuItem("Assets/Wiker/Find Script Reference", false, 0)]staticpublicvoidFindScriptReference(){//EditorWindow.GetWindow<UIAtlasMaker>(false, "Atlas Maker...
if (NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Prefab")) { foreach (string item in list) { GameObject go = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(item, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Prefab", go, typeof(GameObject), false); } } list = null; } list = dict["fbx"]; if (list ...
Scripting Reference PrefabUtility Utility class for any prefab related operations. Note:This is an editor class. To use it you have to place your script inAssets/Editorinside your project folder. Editor classes are in the UnityEditor namespace so for C# scripts you need to add "using UnityEdit...
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Prefab", go,typeof(GameObject),false); } } list =null; } list = dict["fbx"];if(list !=null&& list.Count >0) {if(DrawHeader("FBX")) {foreach(stringiteminlist) { GameObject go = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(item,typeof(GameObject))asGameObject; ...
Editor classes are in the UnityEditor namespace so for C# scripts you need to add "using UnityEditor;" at the beginning of the script. Values None The object is not a prefab nor an instance of a prefab. Prefab The object is a user created prefab asset. ModelPrefab The object is an ...
Prefab可以作为一个GameObject被赋值给属性,如: class BulletShooter : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private GameObject m_bullet; void shoot(Vector3 direction) { if(m_bullet == null) throw new ReferenceNotInitialized(); GameObject bullet = Instantiate(m_bullet, transform.position, Quaternion.identity...
Unity-Find-Script-References 背景: 有时候我们需要找出项目中所有的引用到某个脚本的地方(比如Prefabs/Scene GameObjects等)。当项目比较大时,手工寻找还是非常费时费力的事情。本文尝试通过插件自动搜索。 分析: 基本的思路是:首先筛选出项目中全部Prefab,加载每个Prefab并判断是否有挂载目标脚本,然后载入每个场景,判断...
1.点选 TEDTool/Find Reference Window 2.开启页面 3.拖拉想要查询的资源到 Resource Object 目前的功能有 Find All References:搜寻所有相关资源 Find Prefab References:搜寻相关 Prefab 资源 (.prefab) Find Material References:搜寻相关 Material 资源 (.mat) ...
public GameObject myPrefab; // 该脚本将在游戏开始时简单地实例化预制件。 void Start() { // 实例化为位置 (0, 0, 0) 和零旋转。 Instantiate(myPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); } } There are also some Unity script concepts, such as coroutines, namespaces, script att...