A PropertyAttribute/PropertyDrawer combination that allows for properties in Unity Example Unity allows you to serialize private fields with [SerializeField]. Use the new [SetProperty] attribute to have a public property set every time the field is modified in Unity's inspector. NOTE: It is okay ...
Unity PlayerSettings 自定义 unity自定义inspector 自定义Inspector面板Attribute自定义Inspector使用Attribute实现下面的组件,体验几个Attribute的作用:public class EditorTest : MonoBehaviour{ [Header("属性标题")] [Tooltip("This is a property.")] public int property1; Unity System 输入框 自定义 unity 自定...
Example Unity allows you to serialize private fields with [SerializeField]. Use the new [SetProperty] attribute to have a public property set every time the field is modified in Unity's inspector. NOTE: It is okay to have private setters for public properties. Vanilla classes (i.e. non-Mon...
PropertyAttribute ->自定义特性 用于派生自定义属性特性的基类。这可用于为脚本变量创建特性。 自定义特性可以与自定义PropertyDrawer类连接,以控制具有该特性的脚本变量如何在 Inspector 中显示。 官方另请参阅:PropertyDrawer类。 这个特性我会在最后的地方通过自定义特性来进行讲解,需要看的话,可以直接拉到最下方QWQ R...
Inspector showing a multiple selection Where property values are the same for all selected objects, the value will be shown but otherwise, it will be shown as a dash character. Only components that are common to all objects will be visible in the inspector. If any selected object has ...
A PropertyAttribute/PropertyDrawer combination that allows for properties in Unity - 通过属性声明 + 属性绘制 功能将属性拥有的特性移植到 Inspector 的字段输入体验上。 功能: Unity allows you to serialize private fields with [SerializeField]. Use the new [SetProperty] attribute to have a public property...
有一个System.Serializable的class,平时作为public成员,可以直接在Inspector上显示和编辑。 我有成员变量比如float类型时,需要当某个属性被打开时,才在编辑器上显示,则将其设置成[HideInInspector],再在Editor代码中使用if(xxx){PropertyField(...)}的形式就可以实现了。
Unity Inspector面板常用的属性 在扩展Unity的时候,往往会用到一些属性,这里将常用的列一下。 1、属性只读; #ifUNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor;#endif using UnityEngine; public class ReadOnlyAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }#ifUNITY_EDITOR [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute))]...
自定义Inspector面板 Attribute自定义Inspector 使用Attribute 实现下面的组件,体验几个Attribute的作用: public class EditorTest : MonoBehaviour { [Header("属性标题")] [Tooltip("This is a property.")] public int property1; [Space(1f)] [Tooltip("This is another property.")] ...
如果将SerializedObject.FindProperty从OnEnable中改到OnInspectorGUI中,即: using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Assertions.Must; [CustomEditor(typeof(xxxControl))] public class xxxControlEditor : Editor ...