原因在于,使用了从别的模块中下载的预制体prefab,然后在本地项目scene中修改并保存,难以保存,因此报错。 解决 1. 最方便的办法,右键那个预制体,并选择unpack,这样就不是预制体,而是scene中的object了。 2. 另一种方法,如果这个prefab还用用好多次,就干脆在scene中unpack后,重新存到本地,制作成预制体。
You may want to, for instance, save your project but not changes to your scene if you have used a temporary scene to make some changes to a prefab.The project-wide changes which are saved when you “Save Project” include:All the “Project Settings”:All the settings for each of the ...
//Mark child to prevent saving it child.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; //Save the Prefab asset GameObject prefabAsset = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(rootGameObject, "Assets/Prefabs/Root.prefab"); //No children in prefab as the child was marked as DontSave. The childCount is 0. Debug.Log...
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; // A very simple object pooling class public class SimpleObjectPool : MonoBehaviour { // the prefab that this object pool returns instances of public GameObject prefab; // collection of currently inactive instances of the prefab private Stack<Game...
in Edit Mode. This isn’t ideal for our use case since we only want instances involved in a simulation to run, so instead, we use the property runInEditMode. (Note that ExecuteAlways supports Prefab Mode but ExecuteInEditMode does not. In 2018.3 runInEditMode also supports Prefab Mode.)...
Edit in Scene Edit the Prefab instance directly in the Scene.Cache ServerAny time an Asset changes, Unity automatically re-imports it. Setting up a Cache Server drastically reduces the time it takes to import Assets. You can set up a Cache Server using remote hosting or stored on your local...
Saving Prefab to immutable folder is not allowed.P3Low priority issue.SampleIssue with samples. #3593 openedAug 29, 2024byyyyyyuliu 3 crash on startup library not loaded #3515 openedAug 12, 2024byRomainBitard 8 Error AOA , phone hang ...
Now then, inside the Unity Editor, select any number of game objects anywhere: in the scene's Hierarchy, in the Project window or in Prefab Edit Mode. Next, go to Tools > JGM > Optimize Selected UI GameObjects and press it. It will automatically optimize the selected game objects (inclu...
Menu item to create 100 randomly positioned prefab clones Getting ready How to do it... How it works... There's more... Childing each new GameObject to a single parent to avoid filling up the Hierarchy with 100s of new objects A progress bar to display proportion completed of Edito...
{ public string itemName = "New Item"; // What the item will be called in the inventory public Texture2D itemIcon = null; // What the item will look like in the inventory public Rigidbody itemObject = null; // Optional slot for a PreFab to instantiate when discarding public bool is...