原因在于,使用了从别的模块中下载的预制体prefab,然后在本地项目scene中修改并保存,难以保存,因此报错。 解决 1. 最方便的办法,右键那个预制体,并选择unpack,这样就不是预制体,而是scene中的object了。 2. 另一种方法,如果这个prefab还用用好多次,就干脆在scene中unpack后,重新存到本地,制作成预制体。
Added the SteamVR_Behaviour component to the Player prefab in the Interaction System so it's easier to set it's DoNotDestroy value. Fixed an issue with skeletons complaining that they were getting called too early. Initial action updates now happen a frame after SteamVR_Input initialization. ...
(请注意, ExecuteAlways 支持Prefab模式,但 ExecuteInEditMode 不 支持 。在2018.3中, runInEditMode 也支持Prefab模式。) The first time a MonoBehaviour’s runInEditMode property is set to true, it starts up the same lifecycle that happens in Play Mode (Awake, Start, etc.). Setting runInEditMod...
You may want to, for instance, save your project but not changes to your scene if you have used a temporary scene to make some changes to a prefab.The project-wide changes which are saved when you “Save Project” include:All the “Project Settings”:All the settings for each of the ...
Saving Prefab to immutable folder is not allowed.P3Low priority issue.SampleIssue with samples. #3593 openedAug 29, 2024byyyyyyuliu 4 crash on startup library not loaded #3515 openedAug 12, 2024byRomainBitard 13 Error AOA , phone hang ...
Edit in Scene Edit the Prefab instance directly in the Scene. Tile Palette Active Targets Sorting Mode Controls the sorting of the Active Targets in the Tile Palette. None Does not sort the Active Targets. By default, the order is determined by the order of appearance of the Targets within ...
GameFramework.prefab.meta 调整prefab的路径 4年前 LICENSE.md 更新版权信息 4年前 LICENSE.md.meta 修改LICENSE扩展名 5年前 Libraries.meta 更新meta 7年前 README.md 增加README 关于文件系统的描述 5年前 README.md.meta 更新meta 7年前 Scripts.meta ...
使用这个脚本需要引用Prefab(AnswerButton) 在将AnswerButton制作成预制件前需要先添加脚本: 在AnswerButton上添加脚本AnswerButton: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI;//需要创建Text类型对象 public class AnswerButton : MonoBehaviour { public Text ...
This is not only very clean but also very reusable. There is nothing saying we are instantiating a cube or that it must contain a rigidbody. All of this is defined in the Prefab and can be quickly created in the Editor. Now we only need to create the Prefab, which we do in the Ed...
This is not only very clean but also very reusable. There is nothing saying we are instantiating a cube or that it must contain a rigidbody. All of this is defined in the Prefab and can be quickly created in the Editor. Now we only need to create the Prefab, which we do in the Ed...