bound = aabb, position = pos[i], minDistance = lodDis, maxDistance = 10000, }; } } private void OnDestroy() { if (this.batchRendererGroup != null) { cullingDependency.Complete(); this.batchRendererGroup.Dispose(); this.batchRendererGroup = null; cullData.Dispose(); } } JobHandle cu...
public void CreateGUI() { // 创建两个数据一模一样的Element, 注意这里没有指定位置,因为位置是Layout系统自己算的 ...//原本的不变 // 创建一个Label, Label是VisualElement的派生类 var relative = new Label("Relative\nPos\n25, 0"); // = Position.Relative;// 默认的就是...
if isDragToRight and self:CheckIfOutOfBound(self.currentPage - 1) then return end if not isDragToRight and self:CheckIfOutOfBound(self.currentPage + 1) then return end --修正透明度和缩放 当前有可能正在播放静态动画 self.panelPageView.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) local fixProgressValue...
float4 vertex : POSITION; float3 normal : NORMAL; }; struct v2f { float4 pos : POSITION; float4 color : COLOR; }; uniform float _Outline; uniform float4 _OutlineColor; v2f vert(appdata v) { // just make a copy of incoming vertex data but scaled according to normal direction v2f...
Interactables now can tell hands to snap to them on attach. Specify a transform to snap to in Interactable.handFollowTransform and then check handFollowTransformPosition and/or handFollowTransformRotation Added Range of Motion blending to skeleton - Hand.SetSkeletonRangeOfMotion(rangeOfMotion, blend...
All world space usages are in meters, m/s, m/s2, or radians where appropriate. Space should be oriented as left-handed, z-forward, y-up. The space origin should be the position of the device on connection. This space is your own, and does not map directly into Unity world space. ...
Both of these operations can be carried out in the Unity Editor with the Unity Frame Debugger open and enabled. By simply observing the number of draw calls visible in the Unity Frame Debugger, it is possible to find an order and position that minimizes the number of draw calls wasted due...
fixed4 _BoundColor; fixed4 _BgColor; float _circleSizePercent; struct v2f { float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; v2f vert( float4 vertex : POSITION, // vertex position input float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, // texture coordinate input out float4 outpos : SV_POSITION // clip space position output ...
tabindex: An integer that defines the tabbing position of the element and the position in the tree. A positive value increases tabbing priority. The default is 0. This replaces the obsolete focus-index element.view-data-key : A string that defines the key used for serialization of the ...
Change filter: Filter the set of Entities based on whether the value of a specific component type has changed. EntityQuery query; protected override void OnCreate() { query = new EntityQueryBuilder(Allocator.Temp) .WithAllRW<LocalToWorld>() .WithAll<ObjectPosition>() .Build(this); query.Se...