PlaySound— 始终将其用于声音,切勿直接使用 AudioSource。要停止声音,请调用此脚本上的 StopSound 函数。还有 FadeIn、FadeOut 功能。 PlayVideo— 始终将其用于视频,切勿直接使用 VideoPlayer SetText— 将文本设置为指定的 TextMeshPro 组件 **CE 工具箱** CEGameObject—此组件添加了诸如 Hide、Show 和 HideAl...
流程:.mp3等资源–> . prefab预制体并附上SoundData单元类–> SoundComponent中通过ab加载. prefab并实例化–> SoundComponent调用SoundData去控制每一个音效 组件部分思路源于海马哥,谢谢! SoundData(音效资源类) 请看代码,一目了然,简单明了 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Un...
A game would be incomplete without some kind of audio, be it background music or sound effects. Unity’s audio system can import most standard audio file formats, play sounds in 3D space, and apply optional effects such as echo and filtering. Unity can also record audio from any available...
In the Editor the audio system is still on and supports previewing audio clips, but Unity does not handle calls toAudioSource.PlayandAudioSource.playOnAwakein order to simulate behavior of the standalone build. Virtualize Effect启用此属性可动态关闭为节省 CPU 而剔除的 AudioSources 上的效果和空间...
public void PlayBGM(string bgm, AudioChannel channel = AudioChannel.Action) { if (!hasSound) return; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bgm)) return; if (m_bgmFmod == null) { m_bgmFmod = XAudioMgr.singleton.FModBus.GetRuntimeFMOD() as IXFmod; ...
通过按下 F7 返回 SoundBank 布局,然后将新建的 "Play_MissionResult" Event 由 Event Viewer 拖到 SoundBank Editor 中。跟之前一样生成 SoundBank,并确保保存 Wwise 工程。 Unity – 整合通过 Sequence Container 实现的基本叙事 接下来,我们要整合在 Sequence Container 中构建的叙事音频。通常来说,这并不难;...
AudioManager.Instance.PlaySound(); //播放音效 } else { AudioManager.Instance.StopSound(); //停止音效 } } ``` 结论 通过本文的介绍,你应该已经了解了Unity中Toggle的基本用法,包括创建、配置和使用Toggle组件。Toggle作为一种常见的UI组件,在游戏开发中具有重要的作用,能够为玩家提供更好的游戏体验。希望本文...
Unity3D-HighlightHelper - to see which objects you are hovering over in the Unity3D hierarchy pane Arrows2DMovement.cs - To precisely move, rotate and scale GameObjects on a 2D scene, using the arrow keys SceneHistoryWidget.cs - Drop this into an Editor folder in your project to add a ...
接下来,我们需要把这些 Attenuation 曲线关联到对应的 Sound SFX 对象上去。对每个敌人声音的 Sound SFX 对象,前往其 Sound Property Editor 的 Positioning 选项卡。确保 3D 选项已启用,并在 3D 设定区块中设置相关的 Attenuation 。将 Mode 项更新为 Use ShareSets 。
(); m_MusicAudio.playOnAwake = false; m_MusicAudio.loop = true; //音效不需要循环,音效不一定有,不用设置playOnAwake m_SoundAudio = this.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); m_SoundAudio.loop = false; } public void PlayMusic(string name) { //音量小于0.1f因为听不见了,同时节省开销,...