在笔者自己做游戏的时候遇到很多情况下需要等待音效播放完,之后做一些时序性的事情,所以笔者实现了让 AudioKit 的 ActionKit 支持的功能。 基本使用 usingUnityEngine;namespaceQFramework.Example{publicclassAudioKitActionExample:MonoBehaviour{privatevoidStart(){PlaySoundAction.Allocate("resources://button_clicked",()...
from http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UpgradeGuide5-Audio.htmlSo sounds are by default 2D in Unity 5, before you had a checkbox for 3D sounds in the import settings of each file.Probably isn't too hard to edit the Play Sound action so you can also set the Spatial Blend Logged pampapic...
Layer in the sounds of Game Play Sound Pack from Union Assets for your next project. Browse all audio options on the Unity Asset Store.
Plays a sound based on specified volume, pitch, and panning. Namespace:Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio Assembly:Microsoft.Xna.Framework (in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll) Syntax VB 'DeclarationPublicFunctionPlay ( _ volumeAsSingle, _ pitchAsSingle, _ panAsSingle_ )AsBoolean ...
炫酷的特效,钢琴演奏:《PLAY》&《UNITY》。 #钢琴##舒伯特##音乐推荐##亿点曝光计划# 猜你喜欢 6562 钢琴演奏《多弹钢琴》 by:吉他社_音伯 835 钢琴演奏之道 by:多啦阿萌 759 天使-钢琴演奏 by:天使Bella_蓝雨 56.8万 流行钢琴演奏 by:D调琴谱工作室 ...
If in doubt, the following sections aim to provide as clear explanations and examples as possible. Sounds Play Playing a sound is as simple as calling the Play method and passing an AudioClip to it. using Devolfer.Sound; using UnityEngine; public class YourBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { // Inj...
2. 播放音效 我的触发器都... ... Sound 声音指令中英对照Play Sound播放音效播放音效 Play Sound At Point 在点上播放音效 在点上播放 … tieba.baidu.com|基于56个网页 3. 发声以提示刻录完毕 ONES_百度百科 ... Do Nothing 什么也不做Play sound发声以提示刻录完毕Result & Sound 发声并弹出结果窗口 ....
}// Finish if failed to play soundFinish(); } 开发者ID:AlexanderUrbano,项目名称:shapewars,代码行数:35,代码来源:AudioPlay.cs 示例4: ToggleDoors ▲点赞 1▼ IEnumerator ToggleDoors () { m_Audio = audio; Debug.Log ("Toggling doors");if((moving ==false) & (down)) { ...
I put it here: it would be nice if this action would allow to play the sound on the Owner object, so that music could be played and brought around with the player.At the moment, one has to work with a normal array. Not a big issue uh, did that in 2 minutes, but it would faci...
在下文中一共展示了PlayerMobile.PlaySound方法的15个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C#代码示例。 示例1: OfferHeal ▲点赞 7▼ publicvirtualvoidOfferHeal( PlayerMobile m ){ ...