用法:Physics.CapsuleCast(pos1, pos2, radius, direction, out RaycastHit, maxDistance, LayerMask.GetMask("Anchor")):机理和SphereCast类似,在pos1、pos2两点创建半径为0.5f的球体,以此作为胶囊体模型两端;以朝向direction方向的半胶囊体面为起始面,移动maxDistance距离,期间该面经过的区域即为检测区域。(注:maxDist...
UnityEngine.LowLevelPhysics UnityEngine.Lumin UnityEngine.Networking UnityEngine.NVIDIA UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs UnityEngine.Playables UnityEngine.PlayerLoop UnityEngine.Pool UnityEngine.Profiling UnityEngine.Rendering UnityEngine.SceneManagement UnityEngine.Scripting UnityEngine.Search UnityEngine.SearchService...
● Effects(效果相关组件):比如粒子、拖尾效果、投影效果等。● Physics(武力相关组件):可以为对象添加刚体、铰链、碰撞盒等组件。● Physics2D(2D武力相关组件):可以为对象添加2D的刚体、铰链、碰撞盒等组件。● Navigation(导航相关组件):该组件模块可以用于创作寻路系统。● Audio(音频相关组件):为对象添加与音频相...
using UnityEngine; public class CheckSphereExample : MonoBehaviour { public float checkRadius = 5f; void Update() { if (Physics.CheckSphere(transform.position, checkRadius)) { Debug.Log("There is something within the sphere!"); } } } 应用场景 碰撞检测:在游戏中检测玩家是否接近障碍物或其...
For more detailed information about the physics simulation in your Scene, select the search box at the top of the module details pane, search for Physics.Processing, and then select Calls from the dropdown at the top right of the pane. This displays the names of the physics system tasks ...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
} void PhysicsCheck() { RaycastHit2D leftFootCheck = Raycast(new Vector2(-footOffset, 0f), Vector2.down, groundDistance, groundLayer); RaycastHit2D righFootCheck = Raycast(new Vector2(footOffset, 0f), Vector2.down, groundDistance, groundLayer); if (leftFootCheck || righFootCheck) { ...
That turns off the physics and Unity will only call your code when object A (which contains a collider) comes within the region of object B (which also has a collider). In this case, the code method is OnTriggerEnter2D instead of OnCollisionEnter2D: XML Copy ...
Get the Rope Toolkit package from Gustav Olsson and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Physics options on the Unity Asset Store.