The PlayerController monobehaviour creates an entity to store the player's health and position. This is so the CollisionSystem can easily check for collisions between enemies and the player, and adjust the player's health accordingly The player's position isalsostored in the Settings monobehaviour ...
更新一个GridGraph的时候,GraphUpdateObject's Apply 方法会被每一个在边界内的节点调用。它会去检查updatePhysics变量,如果是true(默认值),该区域将通过Collision Testing settings中设置的指定直径来做扩展,每一个在区域里的节点都会哪来做碰撞测试。如果是false的话,那么只对区域内的节点进行调用,不会去做其他额外...
此模块控制粒子如何与场景中的游戏对象碰撞。使用第一个下拉选单可定义碰撞设置是应用于 Planes 还是应用于 World。如果选择 World__,请使用 Collision Mode__ 下拉选单定义碰撞设置是应用于 2D 还是 3D 世界。
A 2D collider that has a single AABB. This means if the collider is stationary (not moving), then only one edge needs to be check for collisions. On the contrary, a box collider has an AABB when all four edges need to be checked for collision. Use this if an EdgeCollider2D is appro...
Debug.Log("Collided with " +; } #endif } Builds Unity will compile your Windows Store and Windows Phone 8.1 code using the .NET Framework, specifically the Windows Runtime. It doesn’t use Silverlight for Windows Phone 8.1. However, the Windows Phone 8 code is ...
It builds a static collision matrix internally to know where objects are, which enhances performance. When you move objects by moving the transform, this matrix has to be recalculated, which causes a performance hit. For simple games, you may never notice the hit and it may be the easiest ...
publicCollisionDetectionModecollisionDetectionMode; Description The Rigidbody's collision detection mode. Use this to set up a Rigidbody for continuous collision detection. You can use continuous collision detection to prevent fast moving objects from passing through other objects without detecting collision...
ConditionCollision 是一个简单条件,当某个对象与具有此脚本的另一个对象发生碰撞时便可以发生某些动作。与其他条件一样,你可以通过在 Filter by Tag 中设置标签来筛选实际会产生事件的对象类型。 Happen Only Once 允许事件发生一次后忽略条件。 Gameplay Actions 和Custom Actions 对所有条件都通用,因此你可以在 Gamep...
(Collider2D collision) { if (!isAnimating) { if(gameObject.transform.position.x < collision.transform.position.x) //如果在左边 { StartCoroutine(nameof(RotateAndClock)); } else { StartCoroutine(nameof(RotateClock)); } } } private IEnumerator RotateAndClock() { isAnimating = true; for (int... =; MyCollisionComp.radius = 20.0f; } } }Copy full snippet 在上面这个例子中,有一个 int 属性,默认是 42,还有一个 SphereCollider 组件,默认半径是 20。 在虚幻 4 中,我们可以利用对象的构造函数达到同样的效果。