You can find the full collection in the free e-book, Optimize your console and PC game performance, filled with over 80 actionable tips and best practices for performance optimization. Split up your Canvases Limit Graphic Raycasters and disable Raycast Target Avoid the expensive UI Elements Avoid...
Performance and optimization 路径 主题 Editor EssentialsScriptingGraphics & Visual Effects2DMobile & TouchXRPhysicsUser InterfaceFor EducatorsAI & Navigation Content Type Pathways Build skills in Unity with guided learning pathways designed to help anyone interested in pursuing a career in gaming and the ... 或者在Unity Learn网站上学习《移动应用上3D美术资源的优化》(3D Art Optimization for Mobile Applications) 正确地导入纹理 纹理资源很可能占用大量的内存空间,所以纹理的导入设置是非常值得去考究的。通常情况下,你可以参考如下的建议: 更小的Ma...
This page contains some tips to help you obtain the best performance in Unity, covering the animation system and run-time optimizations.
unity3D技术之Performance Optimization 性能优化1. Use Static Typing 使用静态类型 When using JavaScript the most important optimization is to use static typing instead of dynamic typing. Unity uses a technique called type inference to automatically convert JavaScript constructs to statically typed code ...
对于Unity性能优化,官方有非常好的教程。(参见官方教程:。如果英文水平一般,可以参考官方教程翻译:。 同时你也可以去看看腾讯是如何做Unity手游性能优化的:
对于Unity性能优化,官方有非常好的教程。(参见官方教程:。 如果英文水平一般,可以参考官方教程翻译:。 同时你也可以去看看腾讯是如何做Unity手游性能优化的:。
原文地址: 介绍 当我们的游戏运行时,我们设备的中央处理器(CPU)执行指令。游戏的每一帧都需要执行数百万的CPU指令。为了保持平滑的帧率,CPU必须在规定的时间内执行指令。当CPU不能及时执行所有指令...
参考文献: 渲染流程简介 在本文中,将会使用“对象”指代游戏中需要被渲染的对象,任何含有Renderer组件的GameObject都会被称为对象。 通常使用渲染管线来描述渲染流程,其过程可以大致描述为: ...
2. The idea of reflection performance optimization is to bypass reflection. 3. Reflection performance optimization methods include: Dictionary Cache, Delegate (Delegate.CreateDelegate), Expression.Lamda, IL.Emit, Pointer (IntPtr) and other methods. ...