To pass parameters, add them to the command line and retrieve them inside the function using System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs. To use -executeMethod, you need to place the enclosing script in an Editor folder. The method to be executed must be defined as static. -exportPackage <export...
Timing:勾选此项表示改成和Sync复制的层的动画持续时间不一致时按照自己的速度来 IK Pass:使用IK动画(后面会讲到) 4.Animator Pameters 点击右上角的 + 号,可以添加动画过渡时的参数 Float:float类型的参数,有大于和小于两种比较状态,在融合树中用的比较多 Int:int类型的参数,有大于、小于和等于三种比较状态 Bo...
Note: Regular expressions aren’t allowed for this parameter. Android Vulkan Allow Filter ListSpecifies criteria to identify which Android devices should always use the Vulkan graphics API when running a Unity application. If a device is included in both the Deny and Allow Filter Lists, the Allow...
Integration: Added USP0005 suppressor for IDE0060 (unused parameter) for all Unity messages. Added a quick tooltip for fields tagged with TooltipAttribute. (This feature works for a simple get accessor using this field as well).
You can pass CancellationToken to parameter by standard CancellationTokenSource.var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancelButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { cts.Cancel(); }); await UnityWebRequest.Get("").SendWebRequest().WithCancellation(cts.Token); await UniTask.Delay...
id :引导的主键ID,skip :该引导触发后延迟几秒显示跳过按钮 防止用户引导中卡死,condition:该引导触发条件,parameter:参数,priority:优先级,firstStep:引导触发后开始的第一步id 关联到-cfg_noviceGuideStep。 对于:引导分步表 我们的引导有断线重连的概念 – 玩家进行引导ID为1,步骤1002 时手机突然断网掉线/或没...
/* unimplemented function */ SPEECH_ERROR_AISOUND_UNSUPPORTED = 24101, /* unsupported on this platform */ SPEECH_ERROR_AISOUND_INVALID_HANDLE = 24102, /* invalid handle */ SPEECH_ERROR_AISOUND_INVALID_PARA = 24103, /* invalid parameter(s) */ SPEECH_ERROR_AISOUND_INSUFFICIENT_HEAP = 24104, ...
首先需要到科大讯飞官网开发者控制台创建一个应用,创建成功后获得服务接口认证信息,我们只需用到其中的AppID。 其次需要下载自己的SDK,一些小伙伴非常擅长在网上找资源,把别人的拿过来,然后发现调用不起来,注意一定要下载自己的SDK使用,因为其中的AppID是对应的。
首先需要到科大讯飞官网开发者控制台创建一个应用,创建成功后获得服务接口认证信息,我们只需用到其中的AppID。 其次需要下载自己的SDK,一些小伙伴非常擅长在网上找资源,把别人的拿过来,然后发现调用不起来,注意一定要下载自己的SDK使用,因为其中的AppID是对应的。
You can also pass an extra parameter of typeAssetDatabase.ImportAssetOptionsto the AssetDatabase.ImportAsset call. The scripting reference page documents the different options and their effects on the function’s behaviour. Loading an Asset