There are MeshRender and SpriteRender Components; Components for audio and camera functionality; physics-related Components (colliders and rigidbodies), particle systems, path-finding systems, third-party custom Components, and more. You use a script Component to assign code to an object. Components...
Ideally, you want to simplify collider shapes and limit the processing power it takes to use them. Have a zombie? No problem, use a capsule collider. A complex object? Use multiple colliders. Avoid the mesh collider if possible. Unity provides a number of methods to know when a collision...
Enable Configured In World Space to constrain movements to the world axes rather than the object’s local axes. Each of these properties can be set to Locked, Limited or Free:A Locked axis restricts all movement, so the joint cannot move at all. For example, an object locked in the ...
To create a new Tree asset, select GameObject > 3D Object > Tree. You'll see a new Tree asset is created in your Project ... Canvas The Canvas component represents the abstract space in which the UI is laid out and rendered. All UI elements must be children o... Collider 2D Collider...
In Unity, we can detect when one object has come within range of another object in several ways, one of them being what's called a Trigger. The other is a collider. A collider will stop one object from passing through another. A trigger is a special case of a collider that allows ...
And your object should still have collision physics thanks to its collider and Rigidbody. Edit: it's important for me to mention that if you stop using the Rigidbody constraints, you MUST un-tick the Effect Physics box at the base of the TrackingAction so that the Tra...
To work, this script requires a BoxCollider2D component (which is applied automatically when the script itself is applied) that defines the area where the instances appear. The Prefab To Spawn property can be used to spawn an object from the scene, but it’s good practice to assign a ...
The Wheel Collider is a special collider for grounded vehicles. It has built-in collision detection, wheel physics, and a slip-based tire friction model. It can be used for objects other than wheels, but it is specifically designed for vehicles with wheels....
The following functions are only called when the On Trigger option is turned on from the respective collider component. OnTriggerEnter - This function is called when another object has collided with the current game object. OnTriggerStay - This function is called on every frame when another object...
Let’s create an empty game object and name it “BottomBorder”. We add a BoxCollider2D to the bottom border and set the X size to a large number that goes slightly past the camera’s borders. Now we can add a Rigidbody2D to the bottom border object and set the gravity scale attrib...