(UUM-819) Video: Fixed Video Player crash/malfunction on Android versions less than 9. (UUM-1843) Video: Fixed virtual camera not playing due to DevicePath missing. (UUM-3367) XR: Fixed XRSettings.gameViewRenderMode does not work in SRPs. (UUM-1963) ...
Android: When running Android SDK tool with elevated privileges use JDK bundled with Unity, previous behavior was the SDK tool would use java from PATH env variable, and would fail if there's no java installed and there's no java path set in PATH env variable. (UUM-1942) Animation: Fixed...
"D:/SoftDown/Work/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64/sdk\platforms\android-25\android.jar" -F bin/reso...
Recognizing the growing demands of Unity developers, Best MQTT brings the robustness of MQTT to the Unity ecosystem, ensuring you have the best tools to build cutting-edge applications. Key Features Unity Compatibility: Compatible with Unity versions starting from 2021.1 onwards. Cross-Platform Support...
reality apps. It includes six key features of the SDK for recognizing and tracking 2D images and 3D spaces. It also includes a cloud server-based image recognition feature and AR Fusion Tracker with the powerful tracking of ARKit / ARCore. It supports Android, iOS as well as Wearable devices...
"The device cannot be started"One solution to resolve this can be found here: https://forums.oculusvr.com/t5/Oculus-Quest-2-and-Quest/Quest-2-USB-not-recognizing-This-device-cannot-start-Code-10/td-p/846519You go to C:\Users\[USERNAME]\.android, and delete adbkey & adbkey.pub, ...
However, it has been extensively tested working alongside ViPER4Android, Maxxaudio, and Dolby Atmos on several ROM/device combinations. Flash the zip, it will edit and patch (not overwrite) your audio_effects.conf. If youre using massive placebo audio mods and this doesnt work, refrain from ...
/* 非实时转写错误码基码 */ } /** * MSPSampleStatus indicates how the sample buffer should be handled * MSP_AUDIO_SAMPLE_FIRST - The sample buffer is the start of audio * If recognizer was already recognizing, it will discard * audio received to date and re-start the recognition * MSP...
Here is how OpenCV for Unity locates the device and assigns the webcam texture. See anything that the realsense/android wont jive with? ` // Creates the camera var devices = WebCamTexture.devices; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestedDeviceName)) ...