答:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\LocalLow… 错误:Not allowed to access vertices on mesh ‘Combined Mesh (root: scene) 2 Instance’UnityEngine.Mesh:get_vertices() 解决办法:取消batching static Unity bake错误 Failed reading from: ‘58/587f73b3abf5932b3bffad1eeaaaf1fb.pps’. Failed creating s...
mesh.uv = new Vector2[] {new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(1, 1)}; mesh.SetIndices( new int[] {0, 1, 2}, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0 ); } }结果发现一运行就报错。说是Not allowed to access vertices on mesh 'XXXXXXX'UnityEngine.Mesh:set_vertices(Vector3[])...
是想测试下memcpyimpl 速度有没有快很多的,但是Unity 不允许其他的赋值方式.. Array.Copy也不能用 http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/417483/is-there-a-way-to-assign-meshverticesi-directly.html 一个能不能修改mesh中一部分的回答
mesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Triangles,0);//旧写法mesh.vertices = verts.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = indices; 从上面的代码也可以看出,mesh.SetVertices支持的是List数组,而mesh.vertices支持的固定Array数组(2018.3f版本的Unity),所以也可以根据自己数组的类型自行选择用哪个API 值得注意的是,最新版本...
public class ExampleClass :MonoBehaviour{ void Update() {Meshmesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices; int i = 0; while (i < vertices.Length) { vertices[i] +=Vector3.up*Time.deltaTime; i++; } mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); } }...
接下来,我们需要设置mesh的顶点和三角形。顶点是一个Vector3数组,表示三维空间中的点的坐标。三角形是一个int数组,表示顶点数组中的索引,每三个索引构成一个三角形。我们可以使用mesh的vertices属性和triangles属性来设置这些信息。 privateVector3[]GetVertexs(){//返回一个包含三个顶点的数组returnnew[]{newVector...
A mesh (or model) is a collection of vertices that make up the polygons that make up an object. A shader is a compiled routine that contains code to control how your object will show or interact with light. Some shaders simply take light and reflect it like a mirror; others take a ...
JTango的Unity SDK示例代码:"mesh.vertices = vertices“失败了吗? unity3d、mesh、google-project-tango Debug.log(vertices.Length.toString()); // show not 0!! --added myselfmesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = triangles; Debug.log(mesh.vertices.Length.toString()); // show 0??? 我发现...
the mesh has 10 triangles, then thetrianglesarray should be 30 numbers, with each number indicating which vertex to use. The first three elements in the triangles array are the indices for the vertices that make up that triangle; the second three elements make up another triangle and so on....
保持原ModifyVertices方法不变,但因为继承的对象从BaseVertexEffect变为了BaseMeshEffect,原本的ModifyVertices被替换为了ModifyMesh,所以在public override void ModifyVertices (List<UIVertex> vList)中,去掉override,保留该函数,并在当前类中扩展继承自BaseMeshEffect的虚函数public abstract void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper ...