01 Splash Screen 对Unity Splash Screen使用进行简单记录,主要是针对安卓的。 第一点,只设置Static Splash Image,效果非常好,就是显示该启动图片: 第二点,用Splash Screen,启用的话就能用Preview直接预览启动效果,可以选择是否显示Unity的logo,可以设置动画模式,可以添加多个logo,设置持续时间等。这里注意,logo就是小...
设置unity项目 1. 打开一个项目导入unity机器学习包, 或者新建一个项目重新导入 增强学习 接口包: * [ML-Agents package without TensorflowSharp](https://s3.amazonaws.com/unity-agents/ML-AgentsNoPlugin.unitypackage) * [ML-Agents package with TensorflowSharp](https://s3.amazonaws.com/unity-agents/ML...
</activity> <!-- 0表示不显示splash screen --> <!-- true表示显示splash screen --> <!-- false表示不允许改变窗口大小 --> <!-- notch.config表示刘海屏的配置,portrait表示竖屏,landscape表示横屏 -->
The Unity Pro and Plus subscriptions have no limitations to customisation of the Unity Splash Screen.The Unity Personal subscription has the following limitations:The Unity Splash Screen cannot be disabled. The Unity logo cannot be disabled. The opacity level can be set to a minimum value of 0.5...
Log.d(TAG, "Screen Width:" dm.widthPixels ";Screen Height:" dm.heightPixels); LayoutInflater flater = LayoutInflater.from(this); int layoutID=getResources().getIdentifier("activity_splash", "layout", getPackageName()); view = flater.inflate(layoutID, null); ...
在升级了 Xcode Unity iOS 之后,运行时失败,并显示消息“You are using Unity iPhone Basic.You are not allowed to remove the Unity splash screen from your game” 在一些最新的 Xcode 版本中,PNG 压缩和优化工具中引入了一些更改。这些更改可能导致在 Unity iOS 运行时检查是否有启动画面修改时出现误报。如...
There's no fancy settings to be checked, justBuild(export) the project. Removethe splash screen at<export_result>/Data/. Removethe backup file (*.bak) generated by USSR ormoveto somewhere else outside of<export_result>. OpenUnity-iPhone.xcodeprojwith Xcode, then proceed to build. ...
or delete your Visual Studio solution if you have no custom code in it and let Unity regenerate it. I typically choose the third option because I keep my icon and splash screen images configured inside Unity. I just have to remember to bring in my custom live ...
5.在”unityLibrary\src\main\res\values”的styles.xml文件中添加闪屏Active的主题风格 <itemname="android:windowBackground">@drawable/splash_screen</item> 自此完成接入
_rootController=[selfcreateRootViewController];[selfwillStartWithViewController:_rootController];[_window makeKeyAndVisible];[UIView setAnimationsEnabled:NO];ShowSplashScreen(_window); Unity 项目实际打开的时机在UnityAppController.startUnity: -(void)startUnity:(UIApplication*)application{NSAssert(_unityApp...