Assets:Asset referenced from user or native code (含有code里创建的game object) Built-in Resources:Unity Editor resources or Unity default resources Not Saved:GameObjects marked as DontSave Scene Memory:GameObject and attached components (在当前scene里创建的game object) When loading a new level all ...
Memory profiling in the EditorWhen you profile your application in the Editor, the Memory Profiler module reports higher data use than a similar profile of the application built on a target device would. This is because the Unity Editor uses specific objects that take up memory, and the Editor...
For profiling, there are many different tools available to Unity developers. Unity has a suite of built-in tools, such as theCPU Profiler,Memory Profilerand the new 5.3 Memory Analyzer. However, the best data generally comes from platform-specific tools. These include: ...
The Unity Discussions (previously Unity Forums & Unity Answers) is a place for you to ask questions, discuss, help others, and get help from peers regarding Unity development.
• Dirty Memory— everything else in Resident Memory • Apps can share Clean Memory pages (like, system frameworks) • Memory allocated for the following data is Clean (iOS can reload this from disk): • App’s binaries, static code segments, • memory-mapped files, • Syst...
The Unity Discussions (previously Unity Forums & Unity Answers) is a place for you to ask questions, discuss, help others, and get help from peers regarding Unity development.
Lua-users上有专门的Profiling Lua Code专题,第一个是LuaProfiler,看了下是支持5.1版本的,但是git上面上次更新是08年的事情了。。。看着有点虚,又搜罗了一圈,其他基于Lua层自己做Profiler的工具感觉对于Lua的运行可能会有比较大的性能影响,因此不太想去尝试。最后还是觉得先试试这个接近10年前的产品。
在合适的时机手动GC 参考
MemoryProfiler Unity还提供另外一个内存分析工具MemoryProfiler(图\ref{mp}) 在这个界面的左边彩色区域里,MemoryProfiler按类型占用总内存大小绘制对应面积比例的矩阵图,第一次看到还是蛮酷炫的,Unity是想通过这个矩阵图向开发者提供对象内存检索入口,但是实际使用过程中问题多多。