public void Rotate(floatxAngle, floatyAngle, floatzAngle,SpacerelativeTo= Space.Self); Transform.Rotate(Vector3 axis, float angle) 绕着axis轴旋转一定的角度: public void Rotate(Vector3 axis, float angle, Space relativeTo = Space.Self); 对于坐标系可以为Space.Self或者Space.World 如果需要动态旋转,...
rotateVectorToTarget旋转了vectorToTarget向量,使其旋转90度(也就是微调,会使得transform的值跟不微调的值不一样,但是最后由于用了LookRotation函数,所以看到的效果是一致)。 Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, rotateVectorToTarget)创建了一个四元数,该四元数会使当前物体的X轴指向rotateVectorToTarget,使物体...
Quaternion.LookRotation // vector is dir public static Quaternion LookRotation(Vector3 forward, Vector3 upwards = Vector3.up) 1. 2. 看图,就是将 Cube Z 轴对齐到 forward 蓝线方向所需要的 rotation。但如果只是将 Z 轴对齐到 forward,Cube 可不止一种形态,这里的 upwards 的作用就是用来确定其他两个...
在运动过程中,三个点的位置分别变换到了p1'、p2'、p3',让q跟随这三个点变化得到相应的q',这三个新点做LookRotation得到了新的旋转qplane',则q'=qplane' qplane^-1q就是被“平面空间”驱动的旋转。 如果想用这个方法驱动方向,则把旋转q换成向量v。
angel = Quaternion.LookRotation(player.position - off); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, angel, Time.deltaTime * speed); } } 8、代码控制,固定距离,平滑的旋转相机,平滑阻尼移动,看向主角,有物体遮挡(方法一) using UnityEngine; ...
When applying the three rotations in turn, it is possible for the first or second rotation to result in the third axis pointing in the same direction as one of the previous axes. This means a “degree of freedom” has been lost, because the third rotation value cannot be applied around ...
( transform.forward, directionVector, maxRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime ); newForward = ProjectOntoPlane(newForward, transform.up); transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newForward, transform.up); } } Vector3 ProjectOntoPlane (Vector3 v, Vector3 normal) { return v - Vector3.Project(v,...
turret following a target. transform.LookAt(_player.transform); } // Method 3 void Update() { Vector3 relativePos = _player.transform.position - transform.position; // If you set rotation directly, you need to do it via a Quaternion. transform.rotation = Quaternio...
GetAxis,直接拿渐变的值,可以模拟加速运动,cube.Translate(Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime*Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")); GetTouch,多指触摸,可以直接用esayTouch,更快 acceleration,这个可以用来检测重力,检测陀螺仪,检测手机倾斜角度 46.anykey(鼠标+键盘)都可以识别和触发 ...