Using Unity’s old Input Manager, working out if a key was pressed once or if it was held down (for movement for example) was done by checking for Get Key for a held button or Get Key Down for a single press. In the new Input System, you would typically do this by setting the A...
[Tooltip("If checked, the run key toggles between running and walking. Otherwise player runs if the key is held down.")] [SerializeField]privateboolm_ToggleRun =false;//[Tooltip("How high the player jumps when hitting the jump button.")]//[SerializeField]//private float m_JumpSpeed = 8....
1、GetKeyDown、GetKey、GetKeyUp分别在按键按下,按住和抬起时触发 [csharp]view plaincopyprint? void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) print("A key was pressed"); if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) print("A is held down"); if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A)) print("A key was r...
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) dir = Vector2.right; else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) dir = Vector2.left; else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) dir = Vector2.down; else if (...
GetKeyDown:用户按下按键时有效; GetKeyUp:用户抬起按键时有效; 示例: publicclass Test1 : MonoBehaviour { void Update () { bool down = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space); bool held = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space); bool up = Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space); ...
Debug.Log("Space is being held down"); } } ``` 上述示例代码中,我们在Update()函数中使用GetKey()函数监听了空格键一直被按住的状态。当空格键被按住时,该函数将输出一条日志信息。 3. 按键抬起事件 3.1 GetKeyUp() 除了按键按下事件之外,我们在游戏开发中还需要监听按键抬起事件。Unity中提供了GetKey...
static var anyKeyDown : boolean; //声明anyKeyDown变量下面将用一段代码片段来说明anyKeyDown变量具体的用法与用途,具体实现如下面的代码片段所示:1 function Update() { //声明Update方法2 if(Input.anyKeyDown) //对当前键是否被按下进行判定3 Debug.Log("A key or mouse click has been detected");/...
controlIs Control key held down? (Read Only) deltaThe relative movement of the mouse compared to last event. displayIndexIndex of display that the event belongs to. functionKeyIs the current keypress a function key? (Read Only) isKeyIs this event a keyboard event? (Read Only) ...
controlIs Control key held down? (Read Only) functionKeyIs the current keypress a function key? (Read Only) numericIs the current keypress on the numeric keyboard? (Read Only) 范例代码: usingUnityEngine;usingSystem.Collections;publicclassSceneTag:MonoBehaviour{// Use this for initializationvoidSt...
Unity3D常用API和功能 前言 喜欢请点赞 目标阅读者:Unity新手 项目程序员 简单的前置:编程习惯 Unity常用API 按键Input voidUpdate(){if(Input.GetKey("up")){print("up arrow key is held");}if(Input.GetKeyDown("down")){print("down arrow key is held down");}if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)){print(...