using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class SunSpawn : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject prefab; // Use this for initialization void Start() { // Spawn first Sun in 10 seconds, repeat every 10 seconds InvokeRepeating("Spawn", 10, 10); } void Spawn() { // Load prefab into ...
2.InvokeRepeating(string methodName,float time,float repeatRate) 每隔一定时间调用一次methodName函数 Invokes the method methodName in time seconds. 在time秒调用methodName方法;简单说,根据时间调用指定方法名的方法 After the first invocation repeats calling that function every repeatRate seconds. 从第一次...
TheInstantiatefunction allows us to load a Prefab into the Scene. TheInvokeRepeatingfunction allows us to call a certain function repeatedly, starting at some time in the future. For example, if we would want to spawn something the first time in 1 second and then repeat that every 2 seconds...
public IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable<int> MyEveryUpdate() { // writer(IAsyncWriter<T>) has `YieldAsync(value)` method. return UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.Create<int>(async (writer, token) => { var frameCount = 0; await UniTask.Yield(); while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { await writer.YieldAsync...
Then the thread is frozen for 10 seconds (Thread.Sleep(10000)), simulating massive calculations. If you do this in the main thread, the game will appear to freeze for the duration of its execution. But in this situation, everything continues to work stably. You can also use a Cancellation...
For example, delayed invoke once: Observable.TimerFrame(100).Subscribe(_ => Debug.Log("after 100 frame")); Every* Method's execution order is EveryGameObjectUpdate(in MainThreadDispatcher's Execution Order) -> EveryUpdate -> EveryLateUpdate -> EveryEndOfFrame EveryGameObjectUpdate invoke from...
This will destroy all Objects in the current scene and invoke Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets automatically. If a project has well-defined points where the user can be made to wait for Objects to load and unload, such as in between game modes or levels, these points should be used to unload as...
在Unity开发过程中,延时是我们经常要实现的功能,作者原来经常使用的是Invoke这个用开延迟执行,但是这个方法有很大的局限性,这里就不多说了,作者用着很不爽。我们先来看看协程如何实现定时功能的。 上面方法相信是大多数人使用的方法,下面我们来看看在UniRx中如何实现延时。 很简单的一句话,这时候有些人可能会想,什么...
本篇教程紧跟前文内容。如果你打算从“已知良好”状态的游戏入手,你可以使用我们在教程1中提到的项目。在Unity中打开这一内容,找到FileOpen Project,点击“Open Other”,浏览文件夹。记住场景不会默认加载,你需要打开,选择ScenesGameScene。 现在开始本文内容。
给大家分享一个用CSS 3.0实现的音阶加载中的动画,效果如下: 以下是代码实现,欢迎大家复制粘贴和...