1 void Update () { 2 if(hasHit) //已经产生碰撞 3 return; //不执行下面代码 4 newPos += velocity * Time.deltaTime; //子弹发射后不断前进 5 Vector3 direction = newPos - oldPos; //计算子弹方向 6 float distance = direction.magnitude; //计算子弹移动距离 7 if(distance > 0) { //当...
publicintscoreValue;//设置小行星的分数privateGameController gameController;//创建一个GameController类的变量 (5)在小行星碰撞事件函数中OnTriggerEnter中添加分值更新语句 //增加分数gameController.AddScore(scoreValue); (6)在函数start中初始化变gameController,我们不能直接得到GameController脚本,需要找到GameControlle...
/// <summary> /// 调用云函数获取用户OpenID /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> IEnumerator CallFunc() { WX.cloud.Init(new CallFunctionInitParam{ env="cloud1-2gdeopavbdf6d731", }); WX.cloud.CallFunction(new CallFunctionParam { name = "login", data = "{}", success = (res)...
1、定义协程:IEnumerator 方法名() { yield return 0/null ; yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); //等待一定时间在运行下面的代码 } 2、开启协程:StartCoroutines(方法名()); 说明:协程开启会继续执行下面代码,不会等协程方法运行完再执行接下来的方法 3、开启与关闭协程时,StartCoriutine(参数)、StopCor...
(0f, 0f, 2f); yield return pause; isAnimating = false; } private IEnumerator RotateClock() { isAnimating = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).Rotate(0f, 0f, -2f); yield return pause; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ...
publicclassDestroyTest:UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour{privateUnityEngine.GameObject _gameObject;privatevoidStart(){_gameObject=newUnityEngine.GameObject("test");StartCoroutine(DelayedDestroy());}System.Collections.IEnumeratorDelayedDestroy(){// cache WaitForSeconds to reusevarwaitOneSecond=newUnityEngine.WaitForSeconds...
/// </summary> /// <param name="response"> MoverServiceResponse received from niryo_moveit mover service running in ROS</param> /// <returns></returns> IEnumerator ExecuteTrajectories(MoverServiceResponse response) { if (response.trajectories != null) { // For every trajectory plan returned...
.transform.rotation, offRotation)); } private IEnumerator AnimateRotation(Quaternion fromRotation, Quaternion toRotation) { float t = 0; while (t < rotationDuration) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(fromRotation, toRotation, t / rotationDuration); t += Time.deltaTime; yield return null;...
void Start() { // Kick off a separate routine that acts like a separate thread. StartCoroutine(Attack()); } IEnumerator Attack() { // Trigger an attack animation. _animator.SetTrigger("Attack"); // Wait for .5 to 4 seconds before playing attacking animation, repeat. float randomTime =...