Unity 常见报错问题解决方案 目录 Unity 常见报错问题解决方案 【已解决】Unity Coroutinue 协程未有效执行的问题 【待解决】Not a Prefab scene 7 ‘UniversalAdditionalCamera... 【解决】Expanding invalid MinMaxAABB 【解决】Java开发工具包(JDK)目录未设置或无效。请在“首选项“>“外部工具“中将其修复22 使用...
public static T Create<T>( Vector3 pos, Vector3 angle ) where T : Defender { GameObject go = new GameObject(); go.transform.position = pos; go.transform.eulerAngles = angle; go.name = "defender"; T d = go.AddComponent<T>(); d.Init(); TileObject.get.setData(d.transform.position....
错误:error CS1061: ‘Vector2’ does not contain a definition for ‘X’ and no accessible extension method ‘X’ accepting a first argument of type ‘Vector2’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 解决:脚本中获取游戏对象的位置使用x、y、z。 ①请确保...
To create a Prefab Asset, drag a GameObject from the Hierarchy window into the Project window. The GameObject, and all its comp... Cubemaps object; each face represents the view along the directions of the world axes Custom Player Spawning The system automatically spawns the player GameObject ...
Added Children and Components groups to all GameObject instances, so that you can easily display all the object hierarchy. Added Scene Path to all GameObject instances, to show the location in the scene. Added support for JobEntityBatch/Lambdas when using Entities with source generators. Improved ...
Just drag any game object from the hierarchy back into the project folder and a new file is created with the extension .prefab that includes any child hierarchies. You can now drag this file into your scenes and reuse it. The original game object turns blue to note it’s now connected ...
name="command"></param>[MenuItem("GameObject/Check Particle Batching", false, 0)]privatestaticvoidCheckParticleBatching(MenuCommandcommand){GameObjectselectedObject=command.contextasGameObject;if(selectedObject==null){Debug.LogWarning("请选择一个有效的对象进行批处理检查。");return;}_batchingGroups.Clear...
在Unity 的 Hierarchy 窗口空白处右键 > 3D Object > Text - TextMeshPro 此时会弹出一个窗口,无脑点击 Import 就好 创建一个 TextMeshPro 物体 在Scene 窗口选中 Text (TMP) ,在右侧的 Inspector 窗口将里面的 Sample text 更改为任意中文字符,方便等下的字体测试。
!),如果这些脚本中出现Object reference not set to an instance of an object,你就要去看看源头了,看看调用的脚本有没有运行(也就是有没有被放到Hierarchy面板上的某个物体上,而且这个脚本组件的活性√是否还在)常用解决办法4:Resources.Load函数应用不当导致的错误.你自以为脚本逻辑正确(实际上也确实...