GetOppositeDirection(direction)] = this; } public static CubeNeighborDirection GetOppositeDirection(CubeNeighborDirection direction) { switch(direction) { case CubeNeighborDirection.front: return CubeNeighborDirection.back; case CubeNeighborDirection.frontUp: return CubeNeighborDirection.backDown; case CubeNei...
public void SetNeighbor(CubeNeighborDirection direction,CubeInfo cube) { neighbors[(int)direction] = cube; cube.neighbors[(int)CubeMetrics.GetOppositeDirection(direction)] = this; } public static CubeNeighborDirection GetOppositeDirection(CubeNeighborDirection direction) { switch(direction) { case CubeNe...
public static CubeNeighborDirection GetOppositeDirection(CubeNeighborDirection direction) { switch(direction) { case CubeNeighborDirection.front: return CubeNeighborDirection.back; case CubeNeighborDirection.frontUp: return CubeNeighborDirection.backDown; case CubeNeighborDirection.frontDown: return CubeNeighborDi...
curve.GetPoint(0f); Handles.DrawLine(point, point + curve.GetDirection(0f) * directionScale); for (int i = 1; i <= lineSteps; i++) { point = curve.GetPoint(i / (float)lineSteps); Handles.DrawLine(point, point + curve.GetDirection(i / (float)lineSteps) * directionScale); }...
Without resampling, a quaternion interpolation between these two keyframes would rotate 90 degrees in the opposite direction, because that is the shortest way to get from the first orientation to the second orientation. However by resampling and adding a keyframe on every frame, there are now ...
// in the opposite direction. if(t > 1.0f) { floattemp = maximum; maximum = minimum; minimum = temp; t = 0.0f; } } } update函数更新的时间 边界collider 触发器 得分等事件 Ontigger 生成object instantiate voidupdate(){if(Time.time >nextTime) ...
捕捉If enabled, the axis value will reset to zero when pressing a button of the opposite direction. 如果启用,当按下相反方向的按钮,该轴值将重设为0。 反向If enabled, the Negative Buttons provide a positive value, and vice-versa. 如果启用,负按钮将提供一个正值,反之亦然。
SnapIf enabled, the axis value will reset to zero when pressing a button that corresponds to the opposite direction. TypeThe type of input that controls the axis. Select from these values: - Key or Mouse button - Mouse Movement - Joystick Axis ...
(posupdate, 0, 0); // disable Animator when no key is pressed if (posupdate == 0) { anim.enabled = false; } // Flip player when moving in the opposite direction else if (posupdate < 0) { anim.enabled = true; sprite.flipX = true; } else { anim.enabled = true; sprite.flip...
matched up to the thumb of the hand and the second parameter to the forefinger, then the result will point in the direction of the middle finger. If the order of the parameters is reversed then the resulting vector will point in the exact opposite direction but will have the same ...