2 Transform.LookAt:1)功能简述public voidLookAt(Transformtarget,Vector3worldUp= Vector3.up);Parameterstarget:Object to point towards.worldUp:Vector specifying the upward direction.Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at /target/'s current position.Then it rotates the transform ...
Local coordinates refer to the GameObject's own XYZ axes, which can change if the object is rotated. With both the Cube GameObject and the Move tool selected, notice what happens when you switch from Global to Local. In Local coordinates, the Y axis points in the upward direction of the...
{ 3\. Vector3 direction = player.position - this.transform.position; 4\. float angle = Vector3.Angle(direction, this.transform.forward); 5. 6\. RaycastHit hit; 7\. if ( 8\. Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, direction, out hit) && // Can I cast a ray from my position to ...
gameObject.GetComponent<ShotScript>();if(shot!=null){shot.isEnemyShot=isEnemy;}// Make the weapon shot always towards itMoveScript move=shotTransform.gameObject.GetComponent<MoveScript>();if(move!=null){move.direction=this.transform.right;// towards in 2D space is the right of the sprite}}...
int smooth = 2; Quaternion target = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);//目标// Dampen towards the target rotation transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, target, Time.deltaTime * smooth); 《《《鼠标左键地形 物体移动至点击位置》》》 var moveSpeed:int=5;//player移动速度 var playe...
return uv + normalize(direction) * speed * _Time.y; } UE: 水波法线: 一层水波法线延固定方向平移看上去有些呆板重复,我们可以对水波法线做两次不同的缩放和不同方向的偏移,然后将两次的采样结果做一个混合,这样效果看上去好多啦。 甚至我们可以使用下面的函数/节点对法线做更随机混沌的融合,使我们的水波更...
Feeling comfortable working in the Unity interface is the first essential step towards creating amazing digital experiences. In this tutorial, you will create a new project, navigate Unity's interface, experiment with 3D objects and materials, integrate
Don’t get caught by the object core material, but pay attention to the final surface of an object. As an example, metal railings that is "painted" blue should only have their unpainted area designated as metal. The image below illustrate how a painted metal railing should be textured. ...
shotTransform.gameObject.GetComponent<MoveScript>(); if (move != null) { // towards in 2D space is the right of the sprite move.direction = this.transform.right; } } } /// <summary> /// 武器是否准备好再次发射 /// </summary> public bool CanAttack { get { return shootCooldown <=...