ToStringReturns the name of the object. DetachChildrenUnparents all children. FindFinds a child by name n and returns it. GetChildReturns a transform child by index. GetLocalPositionAndRotationGets the position and rotation of the Transform component in local space (that is, relative to its paren...
Finds a child by name n and returns it. If no child with name n can be found, null is returned. If n contains a '/' character it will access the Transform in the hierarchy like a path name. Note: Find does not perform a recursive descend down a Transform hierarchy. Note: Find...
SetActive 调用此方法,传入bool参数(true/false)可以使当前物体显示或者隐藏 AddComponent 为游戏对象添加组件,脚本 CompareTag 调用此方法,传入字符串参数(“TagName”)当前游戏对象的tag值是否为参数TagName,名字一样返回True,反之False。 GetComponent 获取游戏对象的组件,脚本 GetComponentInChildren 返回此游戏对象或者它的...
然后Transform.gameObject; ③任意Component: a).Compontent有个公开的成员变量GameObject 二、找组件: ①GameObject: 获取到GameObject–>拿到成员transform–>利用Transform中的方法查找组件 ②Component: a).GetComponent() b).GetComponentInChildren c).GetComponentInParent d).GetCompontents e).GetComponentsInChildre...
首先要说一说Component类,下面是Component类: namespace UnityEngine { // // 摘要: // Base class for everything attached to GameObjects. [NativeClass("Unity::Component")] [NativeHeader("Runtime/Export/Scripting/Component.bindings.h")] [RequiredByNativeCode] public class Component : Object { pub...
GetComponentInChildrenGets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, or any child of the GameObject. GetComponentIndexGets the index of the component on its parent GameObject. GetComponentInParentGets a reference to a component of type T on the same...
public static Transform GetChild(Transform parentTF, String childName){ //在子物体中查找 Transform childTF=parentTF.Find(childName); //找到了返回引用 if (childTF!=null){ return childTF; } //将问题交给子物体 int count = parentTF.childCount; ...
All top-level game objects in a scene have their coordinates listed in world space. Finally, local space is always relative to the parent game object. With a top-level game object, this is the same as world space. All child game objects are listed in the Editor in coordinates relative ...
this.transform.GetChild(i); } } GameObject /* GameObject 类 if (GUILayout.Button("添加光组件")) { //创建物体 GameObject ao = new GameObject(); //添加组件 Light light = ao.AddComponent<Light>(); //设置光的颜色 light.color =; ...
(The debugger is able to auto-connect to the main process instead of a child process). Added a quick tooltip for Unity messages, displaying the associated documentation.Bug fixesIntegration: Fixed the tag comparison analyzer UNT0002 with advanced binary and invocation expressions....