public Inventory myInventory; public void SaveGame() { Debug.Log(Application.persistentDataPath);//显示游戏文件存储路径 if (!Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/game_SaveData"))//若路径下不存在指定文件夹 { Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath + "/game_SaveData");//...
确认支持保存版本后,启动新的LoadGame协程,然后结束Game.Load。在此之后使用的代码将成为新的LoadGame协程方法,该方法需要 reader 作为参数。 在LoadGame中,在LoadLevel上产生收益,而不是调用StartCoroutine。之后我们可以调用gamelev.current。加载,当然,是需要我们在版本3或更高的文件的情况下。 幸的是,我们在尝试加载...
Castobjectinto the type of our data class What do we need to save? Everything that was already in the PlayerStatistics class which was saved across scenes Scene ID where the game was saved Location in the scene where the player was when the game was saved ...
Cache Folder Location 单击Browse 按钮可指定缓存的位置。 Cache compression This option enables Unity to compress datafiles in the GI cache to use less hard drive space. The datafiles are LZ4-compressed by default, and the naming scheme is a hash and a file extension. Unity computes the hashes...
Cloud Save Version:2022.3 Language :English Packages and feature sets Released packages Cloud Save Description Build better player experiences with seamless game data stored securely in the cloud. Use Cloud Save to store your players’ progress and preferences, by doing ...
You’re playing the same player avatar in both, and you just need to save the player’s data between them to give the illusion of the same „player object“. Let’s first create the game-wide Global Object. It’s important we get this one down right, so let’s figure out what ...
Here is a simple usage of Save Game Free: SaveGame.Save<int>("score",score); and the full is: usingSystem.Collections;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingUnityEngine;usingBayatGames.SaveGameFree;publicclassSimpleUsage:MonoBehaviour{publicintscore;voidOnApplicationQuit(){SaveGame.Save<int>("score"...
Unity - Developing Your First Game with Unity and C#, Part 2 DirectX Factor - Vertex Shaders and Transforms Windows with C++ - DirectComposition: Transforms and Animation Windows Store - Creating a Location-Aware App with Geofencing September 2014 Code Downloads Editor's Note - Six Degrees of ...
Dynamic Cloud Sync is a tool that Steam will use to automatically upload all modified save game data to the cloud prior to the device entering sleep mode. Users can then resume their game on any PC, laptop or other device. Steam will also automatically download any save game changes when ...